from the Brustein & Manasevit - Federal Update | via e-mail Friday, August 8, 2014 12:32 PM :: Controversial education reformer Michelle Rhee made news again recently as it was announced she would be the new chairwoman of St. Hope, a charter management organization based in Sacramento, California. Some see this as a lateral move from the national stage to a more targeted position where Rhee
Academic Decathlon Coach Draws On Her Own Life To Inspire Students
by Sandy Banks | Los Angeles Times | http://lat.ms/1l09OYK Academic Decathlon coach Kenia Gomez, right, with co-coach Leslie Hayden and the team. Gomez is a former high school dropout who was named decathlon coach of the year (Herbert Niebergall) Aug 12, 2014 :: Fremont High history teacher Kenia Gomez didn't have much of a summer break. Neither did her students on the
ACCUSE, TWEET, DELETE: Johnson campaign accuses McKenna of buying Jesse Jackson’s endorsement
muck from the Twitterverse Thomas Himes @LADailyThomas @JohnsonCampaign deletes tweet accusing @RevJJackson of taking money to endorse @ElectMcKenna in race for #LAUSD:
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 8-11-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: George McKenna for LAUSD School Board District 1Home | George McKenna for LAUSD School Board District 1: LA County Democratic Party Endorses George McKenna For LAUSD District 1JULY 09, 2014The campaign of retired superintendent and decorated educator George McKenna for the vacant LAUSD District 1 school board seat got a huge boost Tuesday night with the