Special Education Speaker Monday, April 28th
Seattle SpEd PTSA April Meeting7 pm Monday, 4/28/2014Rm 2700, JSCEE 2445 3rd AveSeattle's SODO neighborhoodDr. Nicole Swedberg will present practical tips and information on:How to help your child If your child is dyslexic?How to best support your dyslexic child at home?What skills should your child be learning? How can you get your child access to these skills?How can your child’s school (and
Friday Open Thread
Good article from Edutopia about helping students evaluate online research. I think it's written for teachers but I think it might be useful info for parents as well.We will have to wait and see what happens with the denial of Washington State's NCLB waiver by Sec'y Duncan. Frankly, I think it is likely to be a ripple rather than a wave of problems. What's on your mind?
4-24-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Race to Nowhere Showing at Orca K-8FYI, Dear Community Members, We are excited to announce a showing of the groundbreaking film, "Race to Nowhere”. The documentary is a call to action for families, educators, and policy makers to challenge current assumptions on how to best prepare the youth of America to become healthy, bright, contributing and leading citize