Trinational Coalition to Defend Public Education 11th Biennial Conference
Starting May 09 2014, 09:00 AM — Ending May 11 2014, 04:00 PM
Trinational Coalition to Defend Public Education 11th Biennial Conference
The 2014 Trinational Conference to Defend Public Education joins teachers and education activists from Mexico, Canada and the US, to review the struggle to defend public education since NAFTA in 1994, and to plan for the future. Hosted by the Chicago Teachers Union.
- Friday Daytime: School and union visits to K–12 or higher education institutions
- Friday Evening: Public dialogue on public education and movements in 3 countries
- Saturday: 9:00–10:15 a.m.—Plenary discussion on the Trinational struggle
- Workshops (Choose Two, 10:30am-12:30pm, 1:30pm -3:30pm):
- Standardized testing & Evaluation—its effects, and campaigns in opposition
- Precarious employment in K-12 and higher education
- Student organizing on rights, funding, and other student issues
- Alternative education programs and pedagogy
- Teaching in minority communities
- Building democratic, activist unions
- Technology and education
- Social Activities in the evenings