I’m Not Sure How Effective It Will Be, But Sugata Mitra’s New Online Tool Definitely Looks Interesting
I’ve previously published two fairly popular posts about Professor Sugata Mitra and his famous “holes in the wall” experiments where he placed computers in impoverished Indian communities and students “self-organized” their instruction. The first post was one where I shared a number of concerns I had about his work (see Questions About Sugata Mitra & His “Holes In The Wall”) and then a guest
White House Unveils New Climate Change Website, Though It’s Nothing To Write Home About — Yet
Today, the White House is unveiling a new website on climate change called climate.data.gov. It’s not particularly impressive now but, according to The New York Times, they have big plans for it in the future. For now, though, in pales in comparison to another new site I posted about last month (see Very, Very Impressive New Interactive Site On Climate Change). Nevertheless, since I assume the s
New Cesar Chavez Film To Have Screening At White House Tonight
The new Cesar Chavez film is being screened at the White House tonight. It stars Michael Peña, who did such a great job in the HBO movie “Walkout,” as the union leader. The trailer, which I’ve embedded below, looks great! You can read more about the film here. As regular readers may remember, I began my lengthy community organizing career working on the UFW grape boycott. And every December I pr
Two New Twitter Apps — One Very Useful, But I’m Not Sure About The Other One
Today, I learned about two new Twitter apps. The first one, which I think could be very useful, is called Nuzzel. Once you log-into the site using your Twitter (or Facebook) account, you’re shown a list of the articles that the people you follow on Twitter are sharing the most. The link is shown first, and then the tweets from the people you follow about it. I think it could really save a lot of
“To Help ELLs, We Need To Understand ‘How Language Learning Works’”
To Help ELLs, We Need To Understand ‘How Language Learning Works’ is my latest post over at Education Week Teacher. Today, staff from Stanford’s “Understanding Language,” Mary Cappellini and Paul Boyd-Batstone share their thoughts. I’ve also included comments from readers. Here are some excerpts:
3-17-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Learn English By Reading About Eating Bugs At My Latest NY Times PostLearn about eating bugs, categorizing words, and using online tools to create “word webs” in my latest New York Times post for English Language Learners. It includes a student interactive and teaching ideas. You can see all my previous NY Times posts here.