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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Nite Cap 2-2-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2

James Baldwin said it best: 

"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."


Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 2-2-14
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: D.C's "Revolving Door" Still SpinningThe New Times has a good piece on the "revolving door," which refers to the practice of members of Congress, congressional staffers or regulators leaving public service to go to work for special interests:A top aide to a Republican congressman from Arizona helped promote a legislative plan to overhaul the nation’s
Closing Newark schools is illegal because Anderson didn’t comply with law, legal experts say | Bob Braun's Ledger
Closing Newark schools is illegal because Anderson didn’t comply with law, legal experts say | Bob Braun's Ledger: Closing Newark schools is illegal because Anderson didn’t comply with law, legal experts sayChristie and Anderson: Ooops.Photo by Steve Sandberg/1010 newsThe controversial plan by the Christie administration to close, transfer to charters, or otherwise “repurpose” nearly half of the c
Narrative vs. Counter-narrative: Teach For America in their own words | Cloaking Inequity
Narrative vs. Counter-narrative: Teach For America in their own words | Cloaking Inequity: Narrative vs. Counter-narrative: Teach For America in their own wordsWhat do Teach For America corps members say in private conversation? How can you not love Teach For America after having a conversation with one of their gregarious and articulate supporters? Their rhetoric is convincing— typically tugging
Share This With All the Schools, Please | Momastery
Share This With All the Schools, Please | Momastery: Share This With All the Schools, PleaseA few weeks ago, I went into Chase’s class for tutoring.I’d emailed Chase’s teacher one evening and said, “Chase keeps telling me that this stuff you’re sending home is math – but I’m not sure I believe him. Help, please.” She emailed right back and said, “No problem! I can tutor Chase after school anytime.
Principals Helping Teachers Grow: A Task That Too Often Goes Unnoticed | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Principals Helping Teachers Grow: A Task That Too Often Goes Unnoticed | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Principals Helping Teachers Grow: A Task That Too Often Goes UnnoticedAlthough I have never served as a principal, I have been a student under three elementary and secondary school principals and worked for six high school principals as a teacher. As a district superintende
V.A.M.: Value Added Measure: John B. King Kong and the Kommon Kore in All its Kraziness!
V.A.M.: Value Added Measure: John B. King Kong and the Kommon Kore in All its Kraziness!: John B. King Kong and the Kommon Kore in All its Kraziness!When N.Y. State Education Commissioner King predicted a 30% failure rate on the 2013 Common-Core standardized tests, he blamed "all of the adults" for so many kids not being prepared for college and careers.  (I'm guessing he didn't count hi
2-2-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Arts and EducationTwo items of note:Your youth jazz story can become a KCTS film!Do you have a connection to a jazz program, jazz teacher or jazz student, and have an idea for a story you think should be told? The instructors at KCTS’s 9 Media Lab can help you tell it and share it with our viewers. Beginning in March, we will be offering free workshops to individua
John Thompson: As Due Process for Teachers is Removed, Secret Files and Blacklists Return - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
John Thompson: As Due Process for Teachers is Removed, Secret Files and Blacklists Return - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: John Thompson: As Due Process for Teachers is Removed, Secret Files and Blacklists ReturnBy Anthony Cody on February 2, 2014 1:00 PMGuest post by John Thompson.The essence of due process is simple. When a teacher or any other employee is sanctioned, there will be
Mother Crusader: Should A Quasi-Private-Elite Hebrew Charter Be Allowed To "Recruit Diversity" In An Apartheid District?
Mother Crusader: Should A Quasi-Private-Elite Hebrew Charter Be Allowed To "Recruit Diversity" In An Apartheid District?: Should A Quasi-Private-Elite Hebrew Charter Be Allowed To "Recruit Diversity" In An Apartheid District?February is here, and that means by the end of the month Commissioner Christopher Cerf will decide whether to allow the Hatikvah International Academy Char
School Discipline: The U.S. vs. The Brits | EdCentrist
School Discipline: The U.S. vs. The Brits | EdCentrist: School Discipline: The U.S. vs. The BritsLeave a commentQuality teaching and student learning cannot occur in a chaotic classroom. Organized chaos, i.e. student-centered stations and activities, is extremely productive. Disruptive behavior, however, is extremely unproductive and problematic, to say the least.  So, it’s rather interesting that
Education historian Ravitch believes education support is a civic responsibility | The Courier-Journal |
Education historian Ravitch believes education support is a civic responsibility | The Courier-Journal | Education historian Ravitch believes education support is a civic responsibilityEducation historian Diane Ravitch sat and spoke with acting Kentucky School Board Association executive director David Baird before her talk at the Galt House Saturday. / By Charlie White/The Co
Morning Wink 2-2-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK  AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-2-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: New York: Help The State Assembly Choose New Regents Who Oppose High-Stakes TestingThe New York State legislature will shortly decide which candidates, among more than twenty applicants, will be
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-2-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: New York: Help The State Assembly Choose New Regents Who Oppose High-Stakes TestingThe New York State legislature will shortly decide which candidates, among more than twenty applicants, will be appointed to four Regents positions. There are four candidates who have made a firm commitment to oppose high stakes testing and would bri
2-2-14 Wait What? All Week
Wait What?: Malloy to Retired Teachers: Will you forget the past if I give you a little tax break?After undermining, maligning and insulting retired teachers and teachers for the past three years, with nine months to go before the next gubernatorial election, Governor Malloy has had an epiphany and is now offering retired teachers a “tax break.” Malloy’s proposal plan would reduce the state income
2-2-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Norm in The Wave: Three Weeks of the Good, the Bad, and the UglyPublished January 31, 2014by ed notes online / 3h 2-1-14 Ed Notes Online WeekEd Notes Online: Ed Notes OnlineNYSUT Rift Update: The Fat Lady Hasn't Sung as Hobart and Cortese Endorse Iannuzzi SlateRumore is making a gambit that Mulgrew would defend his local better than Iannuzzi? Who is he kidding? ... Comment on ed n
2-2-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida ALL Week
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: Corporate Educatio Reform Continues to Lose Conservative IntellectualsMany conservative republicans are considering the once unthinkable: The Bush’s were wrong about education. President George W. Bush with No Child Let Behind and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush with hi
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Week… 2-2-14 …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EF
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: From The Archives: “Developing Teacher Leadership for the Long Haul”I’ve recently re-started an effort I’ve tried to do previously by regularly highlighting previous posts and articles I’ve shared in previous years that I think might be worth a second look. I gave a keynote to last year’s K-12 Online Conference on developin
2-2-14 Fred All Week Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Making pension theft issue one in the 39th State Rep race.Since the start of this election season I have advocated for those who oppose so-called pension reform to find candidates who can primary every Democrat who voted in favor of pension theft. In the the 39th senate district we have Bob Galhotra c
All Week @ The Answer Sheet 2-2-14
The Answer Sheet: How we teach kids to cheat on testsHere is a piece about a cheating scandal in Wisconsin that speaks to a much larger problem about how and why kids cheat on tests. It was written by Vicki Abeles, a filmmaker, attorney and advocate for students and education. She is the co-director and producer of the education documentary “Race to Nowhere” and founder of […]    by Valerie Straus
2-2-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: Join the Battle to Stop Corporate Shutdown of Memphis SchoolsAction News 5 - Memphis, TennesseeMEMPHIS, TN -(WMC-TV) – Parents and students from Westhaven Elementary have been fighting for their school for months. Saturday they took to the streets to get signatures to try to keep their school open.They are asking the community to get behind their efforts and it's not every day you
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 2-2-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Nine Lausd Schools Compete In Healthy-Cooking ContestBy Brenda Gazzar, Los Angeles Daily News | LAUSD "Cooking Up Change" culinary competition for high school students held at LA Trade Technical College. First place winners from Manual Arts High School are Jenifer Mendez, left ,and Kimberly Sanchez. BBQ Chicken Pizza, Spi
All Week 2-2-14 @ THE CHALK FACE
@ THE CHALK FACE: SC’s Low Self-Esteem, Florida Addiction, and Education PolicyIn the 1980s and 1990s, the decades of my career as a public high school English teacher, South Carolina was early and all-in as an accountability/standards/testing education reform state. One interesting aspect of that commitment is that SC has had at least 4 generations of standards and tests (including the current ad
2-2-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): New Criticism, Close Reading, and Failing Critical Literacy AgainWhen the Common Core debates drift toward advocacy or critiques of the standards themselves, I have refused, mostly, to engage with that conversation because I believe debating the quality of CC concedes to
2-2-14 EmpathyEducates!
empathyeducates: Fight Over Effective Teachers Shifts to CourtroomSome of the students who are suing the State of California over tenure for teachers walked to a news conference this week outside Superior Court in Los Angeles. Monica Almeida/The New York Times By Jennifer Medina | Originally Published at The New York Times. January 31, 2014 […]by empathy / 5h 2-1-14 EmpathyEducates!1-25-14 empathy
2-2-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: David Wildstein Ruins Super Bowl Weekend For Chris ChristieEver since that the letter David Wildstein's lawyer sent to the Port Authority alleging that Christie had lied about the GWB lane closures made it into the news on Friday night, Chris Christie has been having a miserable time.First he had to sneak into Howard Stern's 60th birthday party on Friday so as not to have to
NYC Educator: Governor Andy and the Unions
NYC Educator: Governor Andy and the Unions: Governor Andy and the UnionsLast month at the Delegate Assembly, Jamaica HS chapter leader James Eterno introduced a resolution to withhold support from NY Governor Andrew Cuomo in his bid for a second term. This makes a lot of sense to me. After all, Governor Cuomo ran for his first term on a platform of taking on the unions. I'm a lifelong Democrat, an
"That no children died or were even seriously hurt is... | Get Schooled |
"That no children died or were even seriously hurt is... | Get Schooled | "That no children died or were even seriously hurt is testament to the caring and resourcefulness of those frontline workers" COMMENT(20) 0 48 10 58View Larger FROM NATHAN DEAL'S WEBSITEAt about 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Gov. Nathan Deal attends a state Capitol ceremony to unveil Georgia’s new Gone With


Reopening an Employment Door to the Young -
Reopening an Employment Door to the Young - Reopening an Employment Door to the YoungLaunch media viewerKoren ShadmiMost of the leaders with whom I work as a management consultant are a level-headed lot. They rarely let their personal feelings interfere with business decisions.But recently, I’ve noticed some executives becoming irritated, even angry, when I tell them how important it
What Teach for America Says When It Talks to Itself | deutsch29
What Teach for America Says When It Talks to Itself | deutsch29: What Teach for America Says When It Talks to ItselfFebruary 1, 2014As I was researching my “Bill Pays to Help Arne” post, I came across a discussion site, Wall Street Oasis, where those hoping to Make It Big on The Street are able to connect in order to solve issues related to their career ambitions.The site has a link for Teach for
An Open Letter to Mr. Albert Garibaldi, Superintendent: Banta School District | Chess Musings
An Open Letter to Mr. Albert Garibaldi, Superintendent: Banta School District | Chess Musings: An Open Letter to Mr. Albert Garibaldi, Superintendent: Banta School DistrictMr. Albert Garibaldi, Superintendent: Banta School DistrictFirst of all, let me congratulate you on the success of Banta Elementary School District’s charter with the River Island Technology Academy in Lathrop. I have been invol
Part 2: High stakes testing and opting out: The types of tests | Parents Across America
Part 2: High stakes testing and opting out: The types of tests | Parents Across America: Part 2: High stakes testing and opting out: The types of tests For the first part in this series, see Part 1: High stakes testing: A little history.High Stakes Testing and Opting Out: The Types of Tests There are different types of tests that students typically take in a school year. One test the teacher creat
V.A.M.: Value Added Measure: Charteropoly
V.A.M.: Value Added Measure: Charteropoly: CharteropolyIn this Bloomberg-era game of not-so-much chance as planned privatization of education, you can build your way to personal fortune by closing N.Y.C. public schools and opening more charter schools.  I was very pleased to learn that Mayor Di Blasio is redirecting money meant for charter-school expansion towards universal pre-K.  Hallelujah!Whe
Opt-Out Orlando: Madama Butterfly | Reclaim Reform
Opt-Out Orlando: Madama Butterfly | Reclaim Reform: Opt-Out Orlando: Madama ButterflyPosted on February 1, 2014by Ken PrevitiWhat do the mothers in Opt-Out Orlando and Puccini’s opera, Madama Butterfly, have in common? They face the loss of control over the fates of their children.What is the difference? The mothers in Orlando will not accept a tragic ending.As I sit and listen to the Madama Butte
Save Our Schools March – Join the Valentine’s Day “Love-in” Protest
Save Our Schools March – Join the Valentine’s Day “Love-in” Protest: Join the Valentine’s Day “Love-in” ProtestJoin the Valentine’s Day “Love-in” ProtestParents Are Not HelplessWhat can parents do when the politically connected and the powerful create education policy that ignores Campbell’s law? My advice, parents, is to fight the power, and Opt Out! Learn more information about opting out.Not re
Dialing 911 for Math Homework Help? | EdCentrist
Dialing 911 for Math Homework Help? | EdCentrist: Dialing 911 for Math Homework Help?Leave a commentBy far, this is the cutest audio clip I’ve heard in a while. Even though it’s illegal to call 911 for anything other than a life-threatening emergency, this little four-year old boy dials 911 because he needs help solving subtraction (“take away”) problems. I can’t help but laugh at the mom’s reacti
2-1-14 Saturday Matinée Special Double Feature Corporate Reform News Breakout
Saturday Matinée Special Corporate Reform School Girls News BreakoutSpecial  Sneak Preview - Witch Hunter starring Campbell Brown  News BreakComing to a theater near you!Peg with Pen: Refuse the Tests in 2014 - The Tipping PointPeg with Pen: Refuse the Tests in 2014 - The Tipping Point: Refuse the Tests in 2014 - The Tipping Point Opt-Out/Refusal Guides for each State | United Opt Out NationalOpt-