Join the Valentine’s Day “Love-in” Protest
Join the Valentine’s Day “Love-in” Protest
Parents Are Not Helpless
What can parents do when the politically connected and the powerful create education policy that ignores Campbell’s law? My advice, parents, is to fight the power, and Opt Out! Learn more information about opting out.
Not ready to Opt Out?
Well, here is something else parents might consider doing. Please consider joining our little Valentine’s Day Love-in protest. We are inviting all parents, teachers, and students to join in a Save Our Schools Valentine’s Day resistance protest against these policy makers who continue to reduce our children to test scores. It does not matter in what state you live in really. We are inviting parents every where to join our Valentine’s Love-In. The Valentine’s message is “I love learning, but hate your test.”
How can parents get involved?
It’s simple, it can be done at one family at a time, or in small community gatherings.
Required supplies:
- Valentine’s Day card, commercial, or better yet home made cards,
- One envelope addressed to President Obama (1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500)
- Another address to the governor of your state, (a simple google search will help you locate it.
- Another for your school principal, (deliver this one to his/her mailbox at school yourself)
- Crayons and papers,
- Two stamps,
- Selfie picture of you and your child addressing your cards (if you are on Facebook consider sharing your selfie in your status),
1. Send the selfie to your principal with his/her card.
2. Talk to your child about the fact that 30 years from now no one will remember their test scores,
3. End with a conversation about how no one has ever come up with a standardized test to measure love.