No way is Cutler coming back.
Appearing on Ken Davis’ Chicago Newsroom a few weeks back I made a prediction about the legal prospects for SB1, the pension bomb sponsored by the Illinois Democrats and supported by Republicans like Bruce Rahner and the Representative from ALEC, Darlene Senger. I told Ken that the impact of the bill on retirees was the poison pill for the bill. It doesn’t even offer a pretense of consideration.
1-2-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Creeps.First a disclaimer. In order to pay for college for my two kids, like most but the 1%, we had to borrow money. Educational Credit Management Services had a monopoly on the repayment of the debt. It’s not like a home loan where you can change who handles the mortgage. ECMS was awful. Incompetent