Cali Education Headlines Friday, October 18, 2013
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Rocketship schools' growth could be slowed by legal rulingEducation HeadlinesFriday, October 18, 2013U.S. flag ban: Federal appeals court struggles with Morgan Hill school's Cinco de Mayo incidentStuck between preserving order at public schools and students' free speech rights, a federal appeals court on Thursday struggled over whether a Sout
10-18-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Can You Advise This Parent?I received the following comment this morning. I don’t have the answer to everything, and I am not sure what I would do in her place, but this is my advice. Organize the other parents of kindergarten children. Go as a group to the superintendent and tell him this is wrong. Get parents of children in first
New Community-Based Approach to Accountability Featured on PBS-TV EdTalk | Cloaking Inequity
New Community-Based Approach to Accountability Featured on PBS-TV EdTalk | Cloaking Inequity: New Community-Based Approach to Accountability Featured on PBS-TV EdTalkHow can we banish No Child Left Behind’s top-down and narrow paradigm? Local control has been a bedrock principle of public schooling in America since its inception. NCLB sent us in the opposite direction of this traditional notion. A
10-18-13 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: "Self-Driven Learning: Teaching Strategies for Student Motivation" is a sequel to "Helping Students Motivate Themselves"Infographic: “Are You Ready for a Natural Disaster?”I’m adding this infographic to The Best Websites For Learning About Natural Disasters: Explore more infographics like this one on the
10-18-13 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: "Self-Driven Learning: Teaching Strategies for Student Motivation" is a sequel to "Helping Students Motivate Themselves"Infographic: “Are You Ready for a Natural Disaster?”I’m adding this infographic to The Best Websites For Learning About Natural Disasters: Explore more infographics like this one on the
10-18-13 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: The in box. Bev Johns: A Congressional gift for Teach for America.Did you know that Teach for America (TFA) teachers are highly qualified, at least until 2016? In addition to avoiding financial default and re-opening the Federal government, the bill just passed by Congress and signed by the President,
Druid Hills Charter Cluster: Dig deep and it's a "sieve of... | Get Schooled |
Druid Hills Charter Cluster: Dig deep and it's a "sieve of... | Get Schooled | Druid Hills Charter Cluster: Dig deep and it's a "sieve of loopholes" that will exclude and harm some kids COMMENT(25) 0 7 0 12RelatedView Larger Charter cluster votePrevious PostsDeKalb Schools: Two education leaders urge approval of Druid Hills charter clusterOctober 17, 2013Road to college
10-18-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Albuquerque High School Students Speak OutHere is a letter that originated with the Cibola High School student body, and is being copied and personalized and distributed by a growing number of New Mexico high schools, accompanied by a petition for Stand4KidsNM. Hey, Hanna Skandera said she wanted to hear more from the students. I don’t think this is what she […]40 by Kris Niels
10-18-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Calls For NYSED Commissioner John King To Resign Or Be Fired GrowNot just parent groups and education bloggers are calling for King's ouster from power:Assemblyman Thomas Abinanti, a Westchester Democrat, released a statement Thursday insisting that King step down amid harsh criticism that the commissioner has ignored parents' and teachers' grievances around the Common Core
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Jeb Bush's "Mystery Guest"
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Jeb Bush's "Mystery Guest": Jeb Bush's "Mystery Guest"What's Mayor 1% doing in Boston? Why he's the "mystery guest" at Jeb Bush's Education Forum of course. Throw in his support for Republican Bruce Rauner in the upcoming governor's race and it's pretty easy to see what kind of "Democrat" is running our schools and our city.BIR
How Cooper Union Students Could Force the College’s Hand on the Student Trustee |
How Cooper Union Students Could Force the College’s Hand on the Student Trustee |: How Cooper Union Students Could Force the College’s Hand on the Student TrusteeOctober 18, 2013 in StudentsI’ve been thinking a fair amount this week about Monday’s revelation that the Cooper Union administration reneged on one of the core commitments to emerge from this summer’s admin building occupation — the prom
Best Practices and Bad Habits in Practicing Medicine and Teaching Students | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Best Practices and Bad Habits in Practicing Medicine and Teaching Students | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Best Practices and Bad Habits in Practicing Medicine and Teaching StudentsListen to Danielle Ofri lamenting a fact she discovered about her work in New York City’s Bellevue hospital as a physician: “we often ignore good advice when it conflicts with what we’ve always do
Education Reform Becomes Dirty 'R-Word' To School-Focused Mayors
Education Reform Becomes Dirty 'R-Word' To School-Focused Mayors: Education Reform Becomes Dirty 'R-Word' To School-Focused MayorsThe splashiest education reform wars in recent years have been the province of big-city mayors. New York's Michael Bloomberg (I) and Chicago's Rahm Emanuel (D), for example, regularly clash with teachers' unions and have become national spokesmen for controversial polic
Growing up queer in Watts: What happens when school is still not a safe place | Hechinger Report
Growing up queer in Watts: What happens when school is still not a safe place | Hechinger Report: Growing up queer in Watts: What happens when school is still not a safe placeBy Xochil FraustoDiscovering my sexual orientation in a violent, poverty-stricken environment was not easy. I remember the first time someone called me a “dyke,” in the locker room of Markham Middle School. At that time I was
Trying to Keep Religion Out of Charter School Classes | The Texas Tribune
Trying to Keep Religion Out of Charter School Classes | The Texas Tribune: Trying to Keep Religion Out of Charter School Classesby Edgar WaltersOctober 18, 2013 Comment Republish Email Tweet RecommendEnlargephoto by: Jenifer WhitmeyEleanor Kolitz Hebrew Language Academy charter school, San Antonio, TX, October 14, 2013.SAN ANTONIO — At the Eleanor Kolitz Hebrew Language Academy, a fifth-grade fore
What Do Schools Need? Janitors and School Buses Before iPads, Say Parents - New America Media
What Do Schools Need? Janitors and School Buses Before iPads, Say Parents - New America Media: What Do Schools Need? Janitors and School Buses Before iPads, Say ParentsNew America Media, News Report, Anna Challet, Posted: Oct 18, 2013If you had a room full of parents of public school students and asked them how their district should be using state education funds and what individual schools need,
Writing and Re-Writing (On The Editing Process and NaNoWriMo) [Sponsored] - The Jose Vilson | The Jose Vilson
Writing and Re-Writing (On The Editing Process and NaNoWriMo) [Sponsored] - The Jose Vilson | The Jose Vilson: Writing and Re-Writing (On The Editing Process and NaNoWriMo) [Sponsored]by JOSE VILSON on OCTOBER 17, 2013in JOSEFor NaNoWriMo, I’m using Grammarly’s plagiarism check because no idea is original. Except for mine. All of mine.As most of you know, I’m currently in the editing phase of writ
What poor children need in school
What poor children need in school: What poor children need in schoolBY VALERIE STRAUSSOctober 18 at 6:00 amYesterday I wrote a post about how public education’s biggest problem — poverty — keeps getting worse, with the news from a new report that a majority of students in public schools in the American South and West are low-income for the first time in at least four decades. Here’s a related piec
Announcing his departure, Sacramento schools chief recalls highs and lows - Education - The Sacramento Bee
Announcing his departure, Sacramento schools chief recalls highs and lows - Education - The Sacramento Bee: Announcing his departure, Sacramento schools chief recalls highs and lowsBy Loretta Kalblkalb@sacbee.comPublished: Thursday, Oct. 17, 2013 - 10:25 pmLast Modified: Friday, Oct. 18, 2013 - 6:13 amSuperintendent Jonathan Raymond said the toughest moment in his tenure at Sacramento City Unified
For the first time since the 1960s, majority of public school students in 17 states are low-income | The Raw Story
For the first time since the 1960s, majority of public school students in 17 states are low-income | The Raw Story: For the first time since the 1960s, majority of public school students in 17 states are low-incomeBy Karen McVeigh, The GuardianFriday, October 18, 2013 4:49 EDTTopics: Southern Education Foundation 23 Southern Education Foundation says majority in public schools in South and West no
Hold the Applause, Please! The Budget Deal: Why did schools, teachers, moms, infants, children and others get sacrificed? | Reclaim Reform
Hold the Applause, Please! The Budget Deal: Why did schools, teachers, moms, infants, children and others get sacrificed? | Reclaim Reform: Hold the Applause, Please! The Budget Deal: Why did schools, teachers, moms, infants, children and others get sacrificed?Posted on October 17, 2013by Ken Previti“The legislation would allow teachers participating in alternative-certification programs (for exam
10-17-13 Jersey Jazzman
Jersey Jazzman: The Reformy Campaign Finance Machine Goes To GeorgiaLast spring, I happened - by sheer luck - to come across an unannounced, coordinated campaign finance machine, put together to support reformy candidates in school board and state-level races across the country. This machine distributed more than one-quarter million dollars to small, obscure races that had never seen this level of
Special Education (ACSE) meeting agenda + Behavioral Intervention Plans - Announcements & Current Issues (CA Dept of Education)
Behavioral Intervention Plans - Announcements & Current Issues (CA Dept of Education): Behavioral Intervention PlansCurrent law, guidance, and resources for addressing the needs of students requiring behavioral support.BackgroundAssembly Bill 86 (AB 86), the Education Omnibus Trailer Bill, Chapter 48, Statutes of 2013, repealed regulations and added state statute that addressed positive behavi
Education’s "Big Tobacco" Strikes Again | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity
Education’s "Big Tobacco" Strikes Again | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity: Education’s "Big Tobacco" Strikes AgainPosted on: Thursday October 17th, 2013By Joe Bishop, OTL Campaign Policy DirectorIn 1996, Vanity Fair published an article on growing opposition to "Big Tobacco" and their stronghold on American life and
Nite Cap 10-17-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPTODAYPet Pals: Teaching Resilience With Man's Best Friend — Whole Child EducationPet Pals: Teaching Resilience With Man's Best Friend — Whole Child Education: Pet Pals: Teaching Resilience With Man’s Best FriendOctober 17, 2013 by ASCD Whole Chil
What’s at Stake for PA Schools in Property Tax Debate? | MyFDL
What’s at Stake for PA Schools in Property Tax Debate? | MyFDL: What’s at Stake for PA Schools in Property Tax Debate?By: ThirdandState Thursday October 17, 2013 12:47 pm Tweet By Michael Wood, Third and StatePittsburgh Weil Public School ( PreK–5)The latest proposal to eliminate property taxes in Pennsylvania would leave school districts with $2.6 billion less in overall funding within five yea
Pet Pals: Teaching Resilience With Man's Best Friend — Whole Child Education
Pet Pals: Teaching Resilience With Man's Best Friend — Whole Child Education: Pet Pals: Teaching Resilience With Man’s Best FriendOctober 17, 2013 by ASCD Whole Child BloggersDogs are amazing creatures! They provide unconditional love, do not discriminate, judge, laugh, or criticize, and they are excellent and attentive listeners. They encourage relaxation, lower blood pressure, and brighten affec
NYC Educator: If Your Supervisor Isn't Crazy
NYC Educator: If Your Supervisor Isn't Crazy: If Your Supervisor Isn't CrazyIf that's the case, you have options. While Reformy John King, in his infinite wisdom, saw fit to impose more observations than either the UFT or DOE wanted, and while some of them must be unannounced, there's nothing to stop you from saying, "Hey, I'm doing this great thing today, and why don't you come and see it?&q
Teachers Win Fight For More Planning Time | NEA Today
Teachers Win Fight For More Planning Time | NEA Today: Teachers Win Fight For More Planning TimeOctober 17, 2013 by twalker Filed under Featured News, Top StoriesLeave a CommentBy Mary Ellen FlanneryMilwaukee’s elementary and middle school teachers won a 50 percent increase in planning time, after an energetic campaign by theMilwaukee Teachers’ Education Associationthreatened to turn out hundreds
Connected Dialogue F2F | My Island View
Connected Dialogue F2F | My Island View: Connected Dialogue F2FOctober 17, 2013 by tomwhitbyYesterday, as a speaker and panelist at various education related conferences, I had a wonderful experience. I was asked to participate on a panel at a gathering of education technology industry leaders. The group was assembled by The Software and Information Industry Association, SIIA. It took place in the
Advocating Through Friendship | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights
Advocating Through Friendship | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: Advocating Through FriendshipBy Special Olympics Project UNIFY on October 17, 2013Special Olympics youth and athlete leaders were recently featured in a new book called Stand Up! 75 Young Activists Who Rock the World and How You Can Too! from John Schlimm. You can read all about the full book here, but we also wan
Wis. Rep. Joe Sanfelippo is willing to override local control against any school district in this state. | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!
Wis. Rep. Joe Sanfelippo is willing to override local control against any school district in this state. | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!: Wis. Rep. Joe Sanfelippo is willing to override local control against any school district in this state.Filed under: MPS Buildings — millerlf @ 4:30 pm Rep. Fred Kessler asked Joe Sanfelippo yesterday at the Assembly hearing on the bill to take over
UTLA voted to find a state lawmaker to change the parent trigger law.
UTLA voted to find a state lawmaker to change the parent trigger law.: Post navigationUTLA Seeking to Take Lead on Changing CA’s Parent TriggerPosted on October 17, 2013 by LA School ReportUTLA President Warren FletcherThe governing body of the LA teachers union last night voted to seek out a state lawmaker to sponsor legislation that rewrites California’s parent trigger law, which allows for whol
K-12 News Network | LAUSD Budget Town Hall: A Report
K-12 News Network | LAUSD Budget Town Hall: A Report: LAUSD Budget Town Hall: A Reportadmin October 17, 2013 Uncategorized 0Guest post by Kim Kaufman, Los Angeles community member and public schools supporter. If you also attended these meetings or other LAUSD School Board meetings and would like to have your first person responses posted on K12NN, email here. This is how the story was reported on
The Kids Are Not Alright: Nearly Half of Public School Students Are Low Income - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic
The Kids Are Not Alright: Nearly Half of Public School Students Are Low Income - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic: The Kids Are Not Alright: Nearly Half of Public School Students Are Low IncomeIn 2011, 48 percent qualified as low income. In America, what you earn depends largely on your success in school. Unfortunately, your success in school depends largely on what your parents earn. It's an inte
RFA: 21st Century Community Learning Centers - Elementary & Middle Schools
RFA: 21st Century Community Learning Centers - Elementary & Middle Schools (CA Dept of Education): Request for Applications21st Century Community Learning Centers - Elementary & Middle SchoolsDue: Thursday, December 12, 2013California's 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Program provides funding to create incentives for establishing before-and after-school enrichment programs t
Our Kids Today: The Greatest Generation? | Diane Ravitch
Our Kids Today: The Greatest Generation? | Diane Ravitch: Our Kids Today: The Greatest Generation?The members of the Providence Student Union are the most creative and best informed critics of high-stakes testing in the nation. They can run rings around the public officials in Rhode Island when they explain the damage done by high-stakes testing. They know that a large percentage of students will
Preschool works, new analysis of research concludes | EdSource Today
Preschool works, new analysis of research concludes | EdSource Today: Preschool works, new analysis of research concludesOctober 17th, 2013 | Add a Comment | By Lillian MongeauEven given large variations in quality, public preschool programs have been shown to have an overwhelmingly positive effect on student achievement, according to a new analysis of 40 years of research on preschool programs.Th
The Republicans didn’t get what they wanted from Shutdown, but TFA did | Cloaking Inequity
The Republicans didn’t get what they wanted from Shutdown, but TFA did | Cloaking Inequity: The Republicans didn’t get what they wanted from Shutdown, but TFA didThree weeks and $26 billion later, the Republicans didn’t get what they wanted, but Teach For America did. A little teaser from the upcoming 2013 NEPC TFA brief:TFA also wields significant political influence. Numerous TFA alumni have lef
10-17-13 Wait What?
Wait What?: Corporate Welfare alive and well as Malloy gives $11.5 million to profitable insurance holding companyWith the help of $11.5 million in taxpayer funds, Governor Malloy proudly announced that he was able to convince The Navigators Group, Inc., an extremely profitable “international specialty insurance holding company with insurance company operations, underwriting management companies a
Did PURE’s UNO charter school complaint help trigger SEC probe? Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Did PURE’s UNO charter school complaint help trigger SEC probe?: Did PURE’s UNO charter school complaint help trigger SEC probe?It was announced yesterday that the federal Securities and Exchange Commission has opened an investigation into the UNO Charter School Network’s finances.A look at the SEC document request suggests there are two ma
Sacramento city school district needs to get community involved in deciding future of closed schools Sacramento News & Review
Sacramento News & Review - Sacramento city school district needs to get community involved in deciding future of closed schools - Bites - Opinions - October 17, 2013: Sacramento city school district needs to get community involved in deciding future of closed schoolsHow can you help a depressed and blighted community if you don't ask the community what it wants?By Cosmo Garvin cosmog@newsrevie
Ignoring the New Majority: Education Reform behind Blinders | the becoming radical
Ignoring the New Majority: Education Reform behind Blinders | the becoming radical: IGNORING THE NEW MAJORITY: EDUCATION REFORM BEHIND BLINDERSConsider two maps—one using data from the 1860 Census and one focusing on public schools in 2011:[1860; click to enlarge][2011; click to enlarge]“A majority of students in public schools throughout the American South and West are low-income for the first ti
If you want a good definition of effective teaching, read Miguel Solis’ answer | Dallas Morning News
If you want a good definition of effective teaching, read Miguel Solis’ answer | Dallas Morning News: If you want a good definition of effective teaching, read Miguel Solis’ answerBy Bill McKenzie / Editorial Columnistwmckenzie@dallasnews.comMiguel Solis, former Marsh Middle School teacher and current candidate for DISD school boardHere is an excerpt from the Dallas Morning News questionnaire of M
BESE offers nothing to parents concerned about CCSS, then says, “You’re Welcome.” | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
BESE offers nothing to parents concerned about CCSS, then says, “You’re Welcome.” | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: BESE offers nothing to parents concerned about CCSS, then says, “You’re Welcome.”Posted on October 17, 20130I read this recent article in the advocate after hearing some positive feedback on Twitter about changes made by BESE to address parents concerns brought up at the meeting. At first gla
This is what good teaching looks like
This is what good teaching looks like: This is what good teaching looks likeTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 17TH, 2013 AT 11:39 AM(not to mention why arts integration is such a good idea . . .)
This is what good teaching looks like
This is what good teaching looks like: This is what good teaching looks likeTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 17TH, 2013 AT 11:39 AM(not to mention why arts integration is such a good idea . . .)
With negotiations ongoing, Hite adds factors for teacher recall and assignment | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
With negotiations ongoing, Hite adds factors for teacher recall and assignment | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: With negotiations ongoing, Hite adds factors for teacher recall and assignmentby Dale Mezzacappa on Oct 16 2013 Posted in Latest news="" style="color: rgb(76, 153, 72); cursor: pointer; float: left; padding: 0px 2px;">Share on emailMore Sharing ServicesCOMMENTS
Cali Education Headlines Thursday, October 17, 2013
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Sac City Unified chief Raymond to leave district in DecemberEducation HeadlinesThursday, October 17, 2013Conejo Valley school district studies possible bond measureThe Conejo Valley Unified School District is pressing ahead with a proposal to place a bond measure on the ballot in 2014 and commissioning more research on whether voters are like
Public education’s biggest problem keeps getting worse
Public education’s biggest problem keeps getting worse: Public education’s biggest problem keeps getting worseBY VALERIE STRAUSSOctober 17 at 11:15 amSee larger version belowPublic education’s biggest problem just keeps getting worse.No, it’s not “bad” teachers or “bad” students or “bad”parents or “bad” principals.It’s this, from this story by my colleague Lyndsey Layton:A majority of students in
Congress Sticks Teach for America Exemption into Late-Night Deal | janresseger
Congress Sticks Teach for America Exemption into Late-Night Deal | janresseger: Congress Sticks Teach for America Exemption into Late-Night DealPosted on October 17, 2013 by janressegerClose to midnight last night Congress passed legislation to end the government shutdown, but as Valerie Strauss notes this morning in the Washington Post: “Unobtrusively slipped into the debt deal… is a provision ab
IRS Complaint Filed Against Jeb Bush's Ed Reform Foundation | Mother Jones
IRS Complaint Filed Against Jeb Bush's Ed Reform Foundation | Mother Jones: IRS Complaint Filed Against Jeb Bush's Ed Reform Foundation—By Stephanie Mencimer| Tue Oct. 15, 2013 3:05 PM PDTFormer Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaking at CPAC 2013 Gage SkidmoreJeb Bush has long been on the short-list of potential Republican presidential candidates. He was a popular Spanish-speaking governor of a big swing
Morning Wink 10-17-13 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSTODAYIncentives And Behavior In DC's Teacher Evaluation SystemShanker Blog » Incentives And Behavior In DC's Teacher Evaluation System: Incentives And Behavior In DC’s Teacher Evaluation SystemPosted by Matthew Di Carlo on October 17, 2013A new working paper, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, is the first high quality assessment of one