The in box. Bev Johns on Medicare Advantage.
TESTIMONY TO COMMISSION ON GOVERNMENT FORECASTING AND ACCOUNTABILITY Beverley H. Johns October 23, 2013 Confusion, misinformation, and fear run rampant among my colleagues as a result of the proposed changes to the health insurance of those of us who chose to devote our careers to the education of children within this state. We worked many years for not the best wages and counted on our retirement
Fair. Progressive. Graduated.
. We never stop saying what should be obvious. Illinois has a two-part revenue problem. Those who earn to little pay too much on taxes. Those who make a lot pay too little. And Illinois doesn’t raise enough in revenue to pay its bills. The pollsters say words like “progressive income tax” and “graduated income tax” don’t poll well. They say we should call it a “fair tax.” Okay. But my neighbors a
Blogging without my laptop.
Halfway between Springfield and Chicago my cell rings. It is the security guy from the Abraham Lincoln Hotel. I had stayed there last night for the Illinois Retired Teachers Association meeting. I left my laptop back in my hotel room. Shit! Do I need to turn around to go back and get it? No. They will box it up and send it FedEx. I will get it later today or tomorrow. However my blogging will ne
10-22-13 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Congratulatory IRTA resolution to Glen Brown, me and other pension bloggers.The Illinois Retired Teachers Association meeting in Springfield yesterday and today, took special note of the role that pension and education bloggers play in the fight for pension rights by issuing a congratulatory resoluti