The Learning Network Blog: Word of the Day | dour
This word has appeared in 105 New York Times articles in the past year.
Milestones in Science Education
Highlights of science and math education though the years.
Expecting the Best Yields Results in Massachusetts
Adopting rigorous standards, and sticking with them while giving teachers some breathing room, has helped Massachusetts’ students rise to No. 1 in the nation on science and math achievement.
Guesses and Hype Give Way to Data in Study of Education
Amid a sore lack of data, one federal office is conducting randomized trials of various educational programs to determine which live up to their claims.
Cognitive Science Meets Pre-Algebra
Mixing related but distinct concepts in lessons has proved more effective than focusing on one subject at a time, though it feels harder.
Chinese Educators Look to American Classrooms
While the world may be dazzled by Chinese students’ test scores, educators in China worry that the lack of hands-on science learning is stifling innovation and critical thinking.
Ideas for Improving Science Education in the U.S.
Science Times asked 19 experts, “If you could make one change to improve science education in the United States, what would it be?”
With Common Core, Fewer Topics Covered More Rigorously
As states adopt the new Common Core standards for math education, teachers prepare for a shift from breadth to depth, particularly in the earlier grades.
Field-Testing the Math Apps
With the advent of interactive touch screens, educational apps have taken off. Until recently, there has been little research into their effectiveness, but that is starting to change.
Visuals: The High School Challenge
High school students are graduating with many more science credits that could pave the way to careers in science and technology.