What is John White Promoting as Common Core Sample Assessment Materials?
In the four brief videos below, “Dianne X” examines the content of the Louisiana Believes website, including excerpts from the Race to the Top (RTTT) agreement that contradicts White’s “mission in Louisiana to have every child achieve a college degree or professional career” and sample Enhanced Assessment of Grade Level Expectations (EAGLE) test items offered to the public as being in line with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
This first video includes lofty introductory remarks from John White and comparison of his words to select, specific actual RTTT agreement details:
The second video includes EAGLE items for third grade English Language Arts (ELA) and a definite promotion of the Obama administration. (Warning: Dianne X’s sarcasm is undeniable in this video.) The EAGLE item is nowhere near “rigorous” given the example of an “exemplary” response to the test question:
In the third video, Dianne X examines a sample EAGLE item for grade 10 ELA: The