CT Post editorial asks Bridgeport officials to stop pissing away taxpayer’s money…
Categories: Bridgeport CT Post Mayor Bill Finch Paul VallasTags: BridgeportCT PostMayor Bill FinchPaul VallasIn an editorial entitled “Demand better from City Attorney’s Office,” the Connecticut Post’s editorial writers raise an issue that should be on the mind of every Bridgeport and Connecticut taxpayer. The question is….what the heck is the Bridgeport Attorney’s Office thinking… And how is it
Commissioner Stefan Pryor’s incredible “no specific academic expertise” policies continue…
Categories: Malloy Paul Vallas Standardized Testing Stefan PryorTags: MalloyPaul VallasStandardized TestingStefan PryorAka… Since Paul Vallas got into trouble for trying to call a three-credit course a “school leadership program,” it would appear that Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor has learned his lesson and is proceeding by simply removing all that specific language about actual expertise f
8-5-13 Wait, What? - Working to educate, persuade and mobilize through "perceptive and acerbic" observations about Connecticut Government and Politics
Wait, What? - Working to educate, persuade and mobilize through "perceptive and acerbic" observations about Connecticut Government and Politics: The problem with the Paul Vallas brand of school reformCategories: Bridgeport Larry Cuban Paul Vallas Valarie StraussTags: BridgeportLarry CubanPaul VallasValarie StraussValerie Strauss is the Washington Post’s education reporter and blogger. Here blog,