Tuesday Open Thread
Heard that the waitlists were running late - input from Tracy Libros in Enrollment:Our student information system is currently being replaced, so the most recent update of assignment and waiting list information was in mid-July. New information will be updated as soon as possible, which is likely to be at the end of August or beginning of September. We understand the importance of waiting list s
New Principals Announced for West Seattle Schools
From the West Seattle Blog: Shannon Stanton was announced by Superintendent Banda as the new principal of Alki Elementary. Ms. Stanton comes to Alki from Pine Tree Elementary in the Kent School District, where she has been principal since 2011. She is committed to the academic initiatives at Alki and we believe she will be a great fit for the Alki community.Connie Aleman as the new principal of G
Readers, Stop Having Opinions and Voicing Them Here
Because you are making some School Board candidates upset (and possibly hurting their feelings.)This is my smile of the day because in the last couple of weeks I have heard from three candidates saying they have been "mischaracterized" or "assumptions made" by this blog and by you, our readers. I can only say to all the candidates - welcome to politics. Of course, people have opinions even befor
Washington State Charter Law Case Update
The charter school law case has been assigned to King County and to Judge Jean Rietschel. I was amused to read elsewhere that the lawyers for the plaintiffs were accused of going "court and judge shopping."For the record, most cases involving statewide issues are either heard in Olympia (state capital) or Seattle (largest court system). No mystery there.As for judge shopping, it is my understand
Charter Schools -What's featured on their websites? Class Size
It's the same for private schools.Listen to Los Angeles School Board member, Steven Zimmer, as he speaks out about class size (as a former teacher). It's a little less than three minutes long.Heartfelt and inspiring. And yes, why is it that class size is touted for charters and private schools as a benefit and not public schools? Don't all kids deserve attention?FYI, Bill Gates' kids' schools
Seattle Schools; New Appointments Announced
(I have very mixed feelings about these appointments. Both men have good education skills. Mr. Wright is the more worrisome of the two. He has close ties with the Gates Foundation. He got onto the board of the Alliance for Education just nine months after he moved to Seattle a couple of years back. That's something of a record for the Alliance to put him on their Board. His resume shows that
AUG 11
Seattle Schools This Week
Monday, August 12Curriculum and Instruction Policy Committee Mtg, 4-6 pm. AgendaA lot of BARs for various partnerships with outside entities for services. One, for Special Ed services via the Northwest School of Innovative Learning, caught my eye because I know they were being sued in 2011while a student in the Puyallup School District was in their school. The student's family alleged physical