Can We Close the Achievement Gap Between Success Academy and Democracy Prep, KIPP et al?
Emergency crisis emerges as Eva's Success exposes massive achievement gap amongst charters.Moskowitz proclaims: They would have done better if not for those bad teachers at the charter schools. Clearly there are not enough choices out there for parents to choose between good and bad charters. But since we are the only good charter, I am changing my position on choice. We should be the only choice.
Rob Rendo on Common Core
Common Core or no Common Core, standards for what children should know by a certain age (skills or content) have always been in flux and controverted.The CCSS is, I think, on an extreme part of that spectrum of flux.The consensus reality and research that more or less corroborates what, for example, a fifth grader should be able to do in math or ELA, has been largely ignored by policy makers for t
8-10-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Newsday: drop in scores cd strengthen opt out movementImagine if they gave a test and nobody came. Grow the opt-out movement. Support the refuseniks. Join with Change the Stakes. Let's start organizing a parent boycott of the tests. Leonie sent this Newsday piece. Prof: Parents backed into corner LI Supe: new data uselessThe dramatic drop in student sc