The End of Your Career Book Club: Ten Books That Shaped My Teaching Life
My friend Claudia Swisher retired after 39 years in the classroom, back in June. Claudia is my reading buddy--and a fabulous educator. We often swap reading suggestions--and we're in a noncompetitive annual race to see who reads the most titles. I recently finished The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe (a good read--try it!) and wondered if Claudia, who has probably read more books on education than anyone I know, would like to join me in an "End of Your Career" book club. That's not the right terminology, of course; neither of us feels like our last day in the classroom was the end of our work in education.
The idea was to choose ten books that had an impact on us--books that turned our thinking in a new way, changed our teaching or our beliefs. We would pick only ten, describing the essential reasons they were influential or inspiring. Then, we'd exchange lists and--like any book club--discuss.
Readers are encouraged to join in with their core favorites--or to critique selections. Mine