Joe Williams' DFER Propaganda Laugh Riot, Lauding E4E, Ignoring MORE Support organizations like Educators for Excellence are increasingly giving voice to teachers who have a totally different framework for social justice...... 18% of active teachers who actually voted, one out of five of those teachers voted for someone other than Mulgrew to be president... Joe Williams, DFER, in DN. Message to Joe Williams: Those one in five voted for MORE whose members mock and de
7-22-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Newark's NEW Caucus on Chicago LayoffsSome of them were union activists, trying to make their public schools and their union better.... NEW CaucusThe Chicago layoff story while hiring Teach For America scabs (Mark Naison: Teach for America-Our Modern Day Pinkertons) is a declaration of nuclear war. RBE did a good job the other day in branding Rahm Emanuel a murderer (Rahm Emanuel'