Guest blog. Chris Barrett on the CPS budget cuts at Drummond Montessori.
Chris Barrett is a Logan Square parent. His kids go to Drummond Motenssori in Bucktown. Chicago Public Schools. Those three words separately mean great things, yet as of late they mean quite the opposite when put together. As I write this, I think of my 2 sons that attend a great Montessori Magnet Chicago Public School. The school is great, not because of it being a Chicago Public School. It is
Unity in defense of our pensions.
Dan Montgomery, President of the Illinois Federation of Teachers and Jim Reed, Government Relations of the Illinois Education Association. Photo: Fred Klonsky Be sure to read Bob Lyons’ report in the previous post on the latest developments with the Illinois legislative Gang of Ten. Aside from being, along with our teacher representatives on the board of trustees of the Teacher Retirement Syste
Bob Lyons on the Committee of Ten.
Bob Lyons represents the retirees on the Teacher Retirement board of trustees. Considering that the current foremost goal of our state government is to produce a bill to reduce the pension benefits of public employees, we should be happy that Illinois cannot get anything done. Quinn came to government as a populist, more interested in telling people what they wanted to hear and appealing to the
CPS speak: How to explain that you cut $600 million from central office when you didn’t.
. CPS bureaucrats claim that cut $600 million from central office expenses in the current budget. But they claim they cut central office expenses every year. And yet they don’t. Or they can’t show where or how. Asked about the $600 million in savings, CPS spokespeople said they referred to central office in the broadest sense and that it includes debt service, operations, citywide units of person
Tony at the Red Line Tap.
“Look who’s back from Hotlanta,” mumbled Tony into his PBR. “Marty. Let me have an Omnipollo Nebuchadnezzar.” “Klonsky’s goin’ all Swedish on us, huh.” “Where I’m going is getting old. And fast. I retired a year ago. Got my Medicare card a couple of weeks ago. This shit is bummin’ me out.” “‘Bummin you out?’ Y’know. Using expressions from the sixties isn’t going to make you feel younger.” “Don’
7-10-13 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Rahm’s recess: Keep it quiet, in the hallways and sell it to a private management firm. Recess at Revere. One of the few positives in Rahm Emanuel’s demand for a longer school day was the inclusion of a twenty minute recess in the elementary schools. Many Chicago public schools hadn’t had recess sche