Whiteboard Insider Results on Common Core
Whiteboard Advisors did a poll this month of “education insiders.” They define an education insider as people who “influential leaders who are shaping federal education reform, including individuals who or are currently serving as key policy and political “insiders,” such as:
- Current and former White House and U.S. Department of Education leaders;
- Current and former Congressional staff;
- State education leaders including state school chiefs and former governors; and
- Leaders of major education organizations, think tanks and other key influentials
I wanted to highlight some of the findings related to the Common Core:
- 78% believe PARCC is on the wrong track, 74% believe Smarter Balanced is as well.
- 73% believe there will be 15 or fewer states involved in Smarter Balanced which is considerably, with a growing number believing there will 10 or fewer states.