Pension Money Casinos: Just Say NO!
Your legislators are giving away your pensions to casino owners.
No, your legislators did not lose the money gambling. The casino owners who contributed to the campaign funds of legislators are being handed the money that was supposed to go into the pension funds of teachers and other public employees.
“Until Illinois taxpayers wake up and realize that they are subsidizing gambling interests at the expense of teachers, firefighters and police officers, then public employees in the state of Illinois will continue to see reductions in their salaries, pensions and earned benefits,” John Kindt said. “The net result is that everyone suffers when Big Gambling is involved.”
Who says so? Where is the proof? It’s right HERE.
Who knew about this? How long has this been going on?
“But nowhere in this so-called historical record is there any mention of the tens of billions of dollars legally given
Your legislators are giving away your pensions to casino owners.
No, your legislators did not lose the money gambling. The casino owners who contributed to the campaign funds of legislators are being handed the money that was supposed to go into the pension funds of teachers and other public employees.
“Until Illinois taxpayers wake up and realize that they are subsidizing gambling interests at the expense of teachers, firefighters and police officers, then public employees in the state of Illinois will continue to see reductions in their salaries, pensions and earned benefits,” John Kindt said. “The net result is that everyone suffers when Big Gambling is involved.”
Who says so? Where is the proof? It’s right HERE.
Who knew about this? How long has this been going on?
“But nowhere in this so-called historical record is there any mention of the tens of billions of dollars legally given

Who says so? Where is the proof? It’s right HERE.
Who knew about this? How long has this been going on?
“But nowhere in this so-called historical record is there any mention of the tens of billions of dollars legally given