Parent: I Am Fighting Against the Testing Mania
I received an email from a parent in Long Island who has decided to join the campaign against high-stakes testing. She blames Common Core for her children’s unhappiness with school, but Common Core is just the latest manifestation of the testing obsession embedded in No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top. She blogs, writes letter, button holes elected officials. She is fighting for her children and for all other children. With more parents like her, we could turn this situation around.
She writes:
Hi Ms. Ravitch,
I’m a Mom from Long Island, NY. I would like to share my story about how
She writes:
Hi Ms. Ravitch,
I’m a Mom from Long Island, NY. I would like to share my story about how
This Teacher Sets the Record Straight
This teacher wrote a math problem into a Tweet. He got a negative response from someone he did not know. The next day, he was pulled out of his class and suspended on suspicion that he had leaked a Common Core test question on Twitter.
This is a frightening story. His reputation was nearly destroyed by suspicion and allegation.
This is his story:
This is a frightening story. His reputation was nearly destroyed by suspicion and allegation.
This is his story:
I need to set the record straight
I teach my students that their reputation is the most important asset they own. Your reputation is determined by
Rhode Island: Why Do “Reformers” Hate Democracy?
Having followed the corporate reform movement closely, I have noticed that the adherents of this strange movement think they have all the answers. They make grandiose promises, set impossible targets, and make impossible claims. And they are never held accountable. They like to arrange things so they don’t have to listen to anyone who disagrees with them.
Tom Sgouros, an engineer in Rhode Island, has been vocal in protesting the corporate steamroller. He has been especially vocal in opposing the use of the standardized NECAP test as a graduation requirement. But he has
Tom Sgouros, an engineer in Rhode Island, has been vocal in protesting the corporate steamroller. He has been especially vocal in opposing the use of the standardized NECAP test as a graduation requirement. But he has
Bruce Baker: the Misuse of the Gates’ MET Study
Bruce Baker chides state policymakers for claiming that they are relying on MET, the Gates’ teacher evaluation program.
In his previous post, Baker delves into the ways that state officials are misusing value-added measurement and student growth percentiles. I asked Bruce if he would clarify the difference and he responded as follows (go to the link to see the video):
The key difference is explained in the previous post – which I think needs more attention:
With value added modeling, which does attempt to parse statistically the relationship between a student being
In his previous post, Baker delves into the ways that state officials are misusing value-added measurement and student growth percentiles. I asked Bruce if he would clarify the difference and he responded as follows (go to the link to see the video):
The key difference is explained in the previous post – which I think needs more attention:
With value added modeling, which does attempt to parse statistically the relationship between a student being
John Thompson: What Did the Billionaires Know and When Did They Know It?
John Thompson understands that the big money has been betting heavily on testing and accountability. When did the billionaires realize that test score gains were the result of cheating? Did they care? Will they learn? Or will they continue to promote the same failed policies? Why? What do they hope to accomplish?
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 4-27-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Minneapolis: Steve Perry Ridicules Teachers by dianerav Steve Perry, who was once a commentator for CNN, recently spoke in Minneapolis and used the occasion to ridicule teachers and unions and boast of his own miraculous powers. He runs a school in Hartford where he performs miracles daily, unlike the millions of teachers who are not lucky enough to work in his school. His contempt for everyone but himself may explain why he is no longer a regular at CNN. How ... more »