State still has a role in supporting and holding districts accountable | EdSource Today:
by Erin Gabel / commentary
With the passage of Proposition 30 and almost nine out of 10 local ballot measures last November, the voters of California gave our schools an almost unprecedented chance to begin rebuilding after years of budget cuts.
With his budget proposal, Governor Brown kept the promises we made to voters and made education funding his top priority. But his proposal does more than fund schools — it stands to change the way we fund them.
And while the State Superintendent of Public Instruction — elected to oversee the education of 6.3 million school kids throughout California — appreciates the governor’s vision and agrees that we have a historic opportunity to redesign our school funding system, we also have to approach the proposed
Local Control Funding Formula carefully.
Almost all of us in the education community welcome the opportunity to improve transparency, provide more local control, and direct