Today is a good day to fight back against the overuse of Standardized Testing in Connecticut
by jonpelto

It is a good day to make a big difference!
Follow this link to the anti-standardized testing petition being circulated by the Connecticut Chapter of Parents Across America.
Connecticut state government and public schools have been spending too much time, money and energy on high-stakes standardized testing. The over-reliance on these tests is harmful to our children and to our schools.
With over 750 signatures, the petition is almost ready to go to Connecticut’s elected officials. A few more names and we’ll have a strong statement the inappropriate reliance on standardized testing in our public schools.
As we know, the overuse of standardized testing is a waste of time and money and this is the legislative session when our elected officials can stand up and make our schools and our children truly a top priority.
Take a moment and join the list of those who have said enough!
Follow the link to add your name to this important petition and then send the link to friends and families.
Together we can successfully fight back.
Click here for the petition:
Thanks for all you are doing to enhance and protect public education in Connecticut.
Jonathan Pelto