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Indiana: Private and Religious Schools May Lose Independence
A report from Indiana:
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #106– January 17, 2013
Dear Friends,
Yesterday’s committee vote on Senate Bill 184, the voucher expansion bill, was delayed until next Wednesday’s meeting. This gives us all more time to send additional messages of opposition before the vote.
Voucher Expansion
Senator Kruse announced at the beginning of yesterday’s Senate Education Committee meeting that the vote on
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #106– January 17, 2013
Dear Friends,
Yesterday’s committee vote on Senate Bill 184, the voucher expansion bill, was delayed until next Wednesday’s meeting. This gives us all more time to send additional messages of opposition before the vote.
Voucher Expansion
Senator Kruse announced at the beginning of yesterday’s Senate Education Committee meeting that the vote on
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 1-19-13 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Parents, Beware! Is Your Child for Sale? by dianerav This appeared on the New York City parent blog: NYC Public School Parents Independent voices of New York City public school parents FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2013 Parents beware! NY and eight other states plan to share your child’s confidential school records with private corporations without your consent! New York is one of five states that have agreed to share confidential NYC student and teacher data in Phase I with the “Shared Learning Collaborative” or ... more »