Even when people recognize how hard corporations are working to take over public education, they still wonder – is there really that much money to be made in education? Maybe the hedge funders are really doing all this just to help children.It’s a natural question given the fact that teachers are modestly paid and schools are mostly underfunded, hardly one’s idea of a lucrative investment opportunity.
Well, the private equity investor drool is on full display in this“Master Class” invitation from Capital Roundtable, a group that bills itself as “America’s leading conference company for the middle-market private equity community.” Here are just a few quotes from the “Master Class” announcement which should leave no room for speculation about corporate motivation to get involved in public education .
“Private equity investing in for-profit education is soaring.”
“For-profit education is one of the largest U.S. investment markets, currently topping $1.3 trillion in value.”
“2013, and beyond, will see numerous for-profit companies making inroads into public and non-profit