A Letter About Gun Appreciation Day
Tonight, I watched a lovely tribute to Joan Baez on PBS. Joan is a pacifist, a wonderful human being, and a great singer. She is also very courageous. She put herself in mortal danger as a fighter for human right.
Minutes after turning off the television, I received this email. It upset me. I thought I would share it with you. My reply is at the end of he letter.
On Jan 11, 2013, at 10:03 PM, “Dick Brauer, Colonel, USAF (Ret.)” wrote:
We’re calling for
Minutes after turning off the television, I received this email. It upset me. I thought I would share it with you. My reply is at the end of he letter.
On Jan 11, 2013, at 10:03 PM, “Dick Brauer, Colonel, USAF (Ret.)” wrote:
We’re calling for
Adell Cothorne Contacted Me
I received an email from Adell Cothorne, who was a central figure in bringing the DC cheating scandal to light. She is now running a cupcake shop in Ellicot City, Maryland. She told me she misses education and wants to get back into the schools. I asked her to write for the blog and hope that she will, though I understand that her lawyer may limit what she can say.
Adell took a huge risk when she worked in DC. She saw cheating and she reported it. She recognized that the
Adell took a huge risk when she worked in DC. She saw cheating and she reported it. She recognized that the
A Lovely Memory on Who I Was
Someone I do not know sent me a surprising gift: a memory of what I said, who I was.
Memory plays tricks on us, and sometimes I learn things about myself from people I met or knew many years
Memory plays tricks on us, and sometimes I learn things about myself from people I met or knew many years
This Superintendent Is Doing It Right
Last week, Wendy Lecker wrote an article in the Stamford Advocate saying that she was in search of one superintendent in the state of Connecticut who was doing the right thing for kids, teachers, and the community. Wendy had read here about the courage of Joshua Starr of Montgomery County, Maryland, and Heath Morrison of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, two superintendents who bravely have spoken the truth about the corrosive effects of the misuse of testing.
Was there one such stand-up superintendent in Connecticut?
I posted her plea and that
Was there one such stand-up superintendent in Connecticut?
I posted her plea and that
Maine Rejects Gulen Charter School
I wrote earlier that the governor of Maine was angry about the rejection of four of five charter applications by the state authorizing committee. He said he wished they would just “go away.” Two of those rejected charters were for-profit online corporations that have hired well-connected lobbyists, their usual method of operation. A third was a Gulen charter, here described by Sharon Higgins, who runs a website called “Charter School Scandals” and follows the expansion of the Gulen network.
Sharon writes:
“One of the rejected schools, Queen City Academy Charter School, was a Gulen charter school. It did not take
Sharon writes:
“One of the rejected schools, Queen City Academy Charter School, was a Gulen charter school. It did not take
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 1-11-13 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Test Scores at DC School at Epicenter of Cheating Scandal by dianerav The D.C. Inspector General is satisfied that there was no systemwide cheating. The office investigated Noyes campus and found that maybe there was a teacher or two who might have cheated. The U.S. Department of Education seconded the nearly clean bill of health offered up by the DC IG. But here are the actual scores of the Noyes school, compiled by retired DC teacher Erich Martel and posted on Weep for Detroit by dianerav Detroit is th... more »