The obsession with teacher evaluation
The obsession with teacher evaluation
Sent to the Seattle Times, January 9
The publicity given to the latest Gates Foundation report on teacher evaluation (“Gates: Test scores not enough for teacher reviews,” January 9) adds strength to the common view that there is something very wrong with American teachers. There is, for example, no pressing concern about how we should evaluate nurses, carpenters, doctors, dentists, lawyers, engineers, plumbers, butchers, newspaper reporters, etc.
Every profession has some inferior practitioners, but the available evidence says that American teachers as a group are excellent. When we control for the effects of poverty, our international test scores are very good,
Sent to the Seattle Times, January 9
The publicity given to the latest Gates Foundation report on teacher evaluation (“Gates: Test scores not enough for teacher reviews,” January 9) adds strength to the common view that there is something very wrong with American teachers. There is, for example, no pressing concern about how we should evaluate nurses, carpenters, doctors, dentists, lawyers, engineers, plumbers, butchers, newspaper reporters, etc.
Every profession has some inferior practitioners, but the available evidence says that American teachers as a group are excellent. When we control for the effects of poverty, our international test scores are very good,
Common Core Announces New High School Leaving Exam (Or Entrance Exam)
Instructions: Read each question thoroughly. Answer all questions. Time limit - four hours. Begin immediately.*
Describe the history of the Papacy from its origins to the present day, concentrate specifically but not exclusively, on the social, political, economic, religious, and philosophical impact on Europe, Asia, America and Africa. Be brief, concise and specific.
Compose an epic poem based on the events of your own life in which you see and footnote allusions from T.S. Eliot, Keats, Chaucer, Dante, Norse mythology and the Marx brothers. Critique your poem with a full discussion
Conflicting Responses to Testing Abuses
Thanks, Nancy Flanagan, for resurrecting so many contradictory feelings – and thoughts that I do not want in my head as I return from the holidays to the classroom. Seriously, Flanagan tackles the question that many teachers, including me, would like to dodge. She quotes a comment that should make all of us recoil. Roseanne Eckhert asks, “If you would take a bullet for a child, then why would you keep them from recess and PE or impose homework that consists of mind-numbing drill sheets for your paycheck?”
Flanagan restates the question about teachers, “Why do they let clueless, aggressive "reformers" capture the bully pulpit on ed policy? Why are they so spineless?”
My first response was to take a dive on that issue and I continued to surf the Internet. But, then I found Gary Rubenstein’s Teach for Us. Rubenstein features a blog post, by KIPPster Chris Low, describing the pain that
Better Schools = Stronger Communities
Flanagan restates the question about teachers, “Why do they let clueless, aggressive "reformers" capture the bully pulpit on ed policy? Why are they so spineless?”
My first response was to take a dive on that issue and I continued to surf the Internet. But, then I found Gary Rubenstein’s Teach for Us. Rubenstein features a blog post, by KIPPster Chris Low, describing the pain that
Better Schools = Stronger Communities
From EmpowerEd Georgia
Better Schools = Stronger Communities

National Boycott of MSNBC
(Photo: MSNBC Leaning Forward) How long can the "progressive network" ignore progressive educators? No longer. Pretending to be stupid about the anti-democratic corporate takeover of American public education is no longer acceptable. My advice to Maddow and the rest of the nightly liberal crew: Get educated on the issues or get lost.
From Tim Slekar:
Better Schools = Stronger Communities

National Boycott of MSNBC
From Tim Slekar:
January 7, 2013 by Timothy D. Slekar
Why in the hell would MSNBC’s morning joe prominently feature Michelle Rhee and her ridiculous state report card? Why does this woman continue to get media attention? Every reform that she either implemented or advocates for has been demonstrated to lead to deceitful behavior or simply not work! She advocates an ideologically driven, corporate-based reform movement that puts money first—not students.
Corporate based education reform is killing the American system of public education and