On the issue of arming people in schools
crossposted from Blue Virginia

I oppose putting more guns into schools
A policeman with a sidearm will be no match for someone with the AR-15 Bushmaster shown above. I do not want to turn our schools into armed camps.
I wrote a version of this as a comment in an on-line discussion about Terry McAuliffe's proposal to place armed policemen in every school in the Commonwealth. Since then we have had a parallel proposal from Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association to have armed NRA trained volunteers in every school. Governor McDonnell has argued for training school personnel to carry weapons as a means of keeping students secure. All three are wrong.
Keep in mind there was an armed policeman at Columbine.
Keep in mind that the Fort Hood shooting took place in the midst of a heavily armed military base.
And keep in mind that just as LaPierre was holding a press conference, a man was walking down a highway in rural Pennsylvania shooting people. He killed three and wounded several others, including State Policemen,

I oppose putting more guns into schools
A policeman with a sidearm will be no match for someone with the AR-15 Bushmaster shown above. I do not want to turn our schools into armed camps.
I wrote a version of this as a comment in an on-line discussion about Terry McAuliffe's proposal to place armed policemen in every school in the Commonwealth. Since then we have had a parallel proposal from Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association to have armed NRA trained volunteers in every school. Governor McDonnell has argued for training school personnel to carry weapons as a means of keeping students secure. All three are wrong.
Keep in mind there was an armed policeman at Columbine.
Keep in mind that the Fort Hood shooting took place in the midst of a heavily armed military base.
And keep in mind that just as LaPierre was holding a press conference, a man was walking down a highway in rural Pennsylvania shooting people. He killed three and wounded several others, including State Policemen,