Schooling in the Ownership Society: K12 Inc. stock sinking like a stone
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 minutes ago
Schooling in the Ownership Society: K12 Inc. stock sinking like a stone: K12 Inc. stock sinking like a stone by Mike Klonsky The king of the privatized virtual learning world, K12Inc. has investors checking to see if they're still wearing their shorts. The problem continues to be extravagant costs stemming from huge salaries paid to top execs, plus K12 students scoring behind kids in brick-and-mortar schools. Market Watch reports: K12 Inc.'s fiscal first-quarter profit slipped 5.3% as the online education provider saw a
CUNY Crisis Deepens as Admin Installs New Chair in Rebel Department « Student Activism
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 31 minutes ago
CUNY Crisis Deepens as Admin Installs New Chair in Rebel Department « Student Activism: CUNY Crisis Deepens as Admin Installs New Chair in Rebel Department by Angus Johnston The CUNY administration may have been forced to back down (for now) from their threats to dismantle the Queensboro Community College English Department, but they’ve launched a new attack in their effort to bring the rebellious department to heel. On October 24 the QCC English faculty voted to remove chair Linda Reesman. Throughout the department’s battle over the administration’s Pathways initiative, many fac... more »
Learning About Our Childhood from Our Children | Maria Shriver | The Open Field Network
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 43 minutes ago
Learning About Our Childhood from Our Children | Maria Shriver | The Open Field Network: Learning About Our Childhood from Our Children By Steve Truitt Several weeks ago I noticed a marked shift in my behavior and reactions. To bottom line it: I was losing it a lot with my children. As all parents know, children will test your resolve on a daily, sometimes hourly, sometimes minutely (is that a word?) basis. As the child of severely toxic parents, it was imperative in my run-up to parenthood that I learn to do my best to not lose my cool with my kids. That’s not to say I don’t belie... more »
The Quick and the Ed » Technology is More Than a Distraction
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 44 minutes ago
The Quick and the Ed » Technology is More Than a Distraction: Technology is More Than a Distraction by Mandy Zatynski It’s unsettling to hear that some 90 percent of teachers believe that today’s technologies are creating “an easily distracted generation with short attention spans.” Unsettling, not for the fear mongering it conjures about the future of student achievement, but for the belief that technology exposure actually reduces the ability to learn and progress and achieve. Technology is ever-present in our daily lives, and if educators are to train our nation’s youth to comp... more »
What to Keep an Eye on in Tony Evers’ Budget | AMPS
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 46 minutes ago
What to Keep an Eye on in Tony Evers’ Budget | AMPS: What to Keep an Eye on in Tony Evers’ Budget by Thomas J. Mertz Eyeball sculpture by artist Tony Tasset from the Eye Si(gh)t blog. Mavis Staples, “Eyes On The Prize” (click to listen or download). Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers will reveal the remainder of his 2013-15 budget proposal on Monday (the first portion was released in September, but it lacks full school finance information; WisconsinEye will be covering the event). Evers has also announced he is seeking re-election next April(campaign web... more »
Voices: What Indiana’s ed reform upset means | EdNewsColorado
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Voices: What Indiana’s ed reform upset means | EdNewsColorado: Voices: What Indiana’s ed reform upset means Written by Ben DeGrow on Nov 12th, 2012. | Copyright © *The Independence Institute’s Ben DeGrow says Colorado school reformers should pay attention to last week’s Election Day loss for Indiana Schools Superintendent Tony Bennett.* Indiana’s election results sent shockwaves Tuesday throughout the education reform world. Widely known for his bold and assertive stances on school choice and accountability, state Superintendent Tony Bennett was narrowly upended b... more »
Is the Boston Globe’s Mad Luv 4 Charters on the Skids? | EduShyster
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Is the Boston Globe’s Mad Luv 4 Charters on the Skids? | EduShyster: Is the Boston Globe’s Mad Luv 4 Charters on the Skids? by edushyster2012 As regular *Boston Globe* readers know (and there are still a handful of you out there…),G has had MAD luv 4 our local laboratories of innovation and excellence, and none other than a certain UP Academy. Since UP began its steady UPward trajectory in the spring of 2011, the *Globe* has devoted untold column inches to singing her praises, including this doozy of a love letter from EduShyster fave Lawrence Harmon: There’s a lot at stake in the... more »
The Educated Reporter: Veterans Day: Trading the Battlefield for the Classroom
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
The Educated Reporter: Veterans Day: Trading the Battlefield for the Classroom: Veterans Day: Trading the Battlefield for the Classroom by Emily Richmond With the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan moving toward an end, tens of thousands of U.S. veterans will be making the transition back to civilian life. For many of them, that means taking advantage of government funding for higher education. Writing for Inside Higher Ed, Wick Sloane released the results of his annual informal survey of elite colleges and universities to determine how many undergraduate veterans they have enrolled. S... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 11-12-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] A Superintendent’s Advice to President Obama by dianerav Jere Hochman runs an exemplary school district in Bedford, New York. Before the election, he wrote an eloquent letter (which I posted though I may not have used his name) on why everyone should support President Obama. He convinced me. He also promised me that after the election, he would speak out about the need to change the punitive testing and accountability policies of this administration. He is speaking out. The biggest problem in education tod... more »
Instead of a Tuition Hike, an Ambition Tax at Cal State « Student Activism
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Instead of a Tuition Hike, an Ambition Tax at Cal State « Student Activism: Instead of a Tuition Hike, an Ambition Tax at Cal State by Angus Johnston The passage of Proposition 30 in California last Tuesday saved the state’s three public higher education systems from devastation, providing funding to forestall huge tuition increases and enrollment cuts. Young voters made the difference in that vote, amounting to nearly a third of the electorate and supporting Prop 30 by a two-to-one margin. But the struggle over college accessibility in California is far from over, as new proposed... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLES by Mike Klonsky Election Results *"Mitt Romney is the president of white male America."* -- Maureen Dowd, NYT Rehabilitating Michelle Rhee *Debate about how to improve schools will continue, as in the sadly effective effort by the teachers union in Chicago and in some election-day initiatives to defeat reform. Evidence that the common-sense changes engineered by Ms. Rhee are paying off should be part of the discussion and hopefully will spur other systems to follow the District’s lead. *-- Washington Post edit... more »
Teachers For Social Justice: 2012 TSJ Curriculum Fair Program & Speakers
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Teachers For Social Justice: 2012 TSJ Curriculum Fair Program & Speakers: 2012 TSJ Curriculum Fair Program & Speakers by sarah-ji The 2012 Teaching For Social Justice Curriculum Fair is only a few days away, and we are excited to announce the program schedule and keynote speakers. Here are a few things to keep in mind: - Pre-register NOW if you haven't done so already. This will save you time Saturday morning as well as help us avoid a bottleneck during registration. - Please note the NEW LOCATION! Due to forces out of our control, we had to change the venue to Kenw... more »
Teacher Bashing Is a Loser - John Wilson Unleashed - Education Week
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Teacher Bashing Is a Loser - John Wilson Unleashed - Education Week: Teacher Bashing Is a Loser By John Wilson on November 8, 2012 8:05 AM Across America, the final votes are being counted and recounted, but we can be sure of one result that will not change: bashing teachers is not a winning proposition in this country. American voters still believe in those teachers that helped shape their lives and that are doing the same for their children, and they are not willing to support ill-conceived policies that demoralize and destroy the careers of their favorite teachers. Even clearer... more »
Culture, Not Curriculum, May be Key to High School Reform - High School Notes (
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Culture, Not Curriculum, May be Key to High School Reform - High School Notes ( Culture, Not Curriculum, May be Key to High School Reform By KELSEY SHEEHY November 12, 2012 RSS Feed Print [image: An education expert argues that school leaders can improve student achievement by empowering teachers and engaging parents.] School leaders can improve student achievement by empowering teachers and engaging parents, one expert says. Resurrecting a strugglinghigh school is more about changing culture than curriculum, according to Charles Payne, a University of Chicago professor ... more »
Historian David McCullough: No ‘professional teacher should major in education’
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Historian David McCullough: No ‘professional teacher should major in education’: Historian David McCullough: No ‘professional teacher should major in education’ Posted by Valerie Strauss on November 12, 2012 at 7:30 am - [image: Smaller Text] [image: Larger Text] Text Size - Print - Reprints - Share: - - - More » ( Everyone’s a critic about the teaching profession. That includes award-winning historian David McCullough, who was profiled on CBS’ “60 Minutes” on Sunday by correspondent Morley Safer. Along with talking about teacher education, he ... more »
Obama Won, But Did Educators Lose In the Process? | Alternet
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Obama Won, But Did Educators Lose In the Process? | Alternet: Obama Won, But Did Educators Lose In the Process? As long as accountability remains the educational law of the land, students are bound to lose out, says a professor of education. *November 12, 2012* | Photo Credit: mistydawnphoto via For three decades, one block of American voters and workers has lost politically regardless of which party or candidate has won: educators. That was again likely the case in 2012 despite the re-election of Barack Obama and despite a few positive political victories vis ... more »
NYC Educator: Act of God No Excuse, Declares Mayor Michael Bloomberg
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
NYC Educator: Act of God No Excuse, Declares Mayor Michael Bloomberg: Act of God No Excuse, Declares Mayor Michael Bloomberg by NYC Educator If your house had ten feet of water rip through it, or if your living room is full of mud, or sand, or locusts,that's no reason for missing work. Michael Bloomberg is the mayor of New York, he has billions of dollars, and if he says so it must be true. After all, his brownstone is still there, and it was not damaged. Why the hell was your residence damaged? If you had half a brain, you would've bought an east side brownstone rather than a ranc... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Newark Teacher Contract Vote on Wednesday, 11/14
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Jersey Jazzman: Newark Teacher Contract Vote on Wednesday, 11/14: Newark Teacher Contract Vote on Wednesday, 11/14 by Duke The controversial Newark teachers contract vote is this Wednesday, November 14. Sandy pushed back the vote to this late date; now the teachers will have to decide whether to ratify a contract that features a whole lot of private money in exchange for accepting a merit pay system. I really don't have much to add to my last post on the subject. The private funds make this an unusual situation, so, as much as I have worried about this being a precedent for the r... more »
Arne Duncan’s federal School Improvement Grant Program forces schools to act like corporations reports two studies. « Fred Klonsky
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Arne Duncan’s federal School Improvement Grant Program forces schools to act like corporations reports two studies. « Fred Klonsky: Arne Duncan’s federal School Improvement Grant Program forces schools to act like corporations reports two studies. by Fred Klonsky Two studies that have recently been released by the Michigan-based Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice declare that Arne Duncan’s *School Improvement Grant Program* is in need of reform, and*that forcing schools to act like corporations runs counter to progress.* “The market-based character of turnaroun... more »
Eduflack: Just Say No to ALEC's Latest Move
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Eduflack: Just Say No to ALEC's Latest Move: Just Say No to ALEC's Latest Move by Eduflack Every three or five years, I changed school districts as a child. I spent my K-12 years in four different states. With each move, I was faced with a different set of academic standards and a different set of expectations. After some moves, I found myself greatly ahead of the curve. In another, I found myself behind what was expected. And in my final move, made before my junior year of high school, I actually had my new high school try to say I was ineligible to be valedictorian because ... more »
Diane Ravitch vs. the Education-Reform Movement : The New Yorker
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Diane Ravitch vs. the Education-Reform Movement : The New Yorker: ANNALS OF EDUCATIONPUBLIC DEFENDERDiane Ravitch takes on a movement.BY DAVID DENBYNOVEMBER 19, 2012 ABSTRACT: ANNALS OF EDUCATION about Diane Ravitch, who has emerged as one of the leading opponents of the education-reform movement. Now seventy-four, Ravitch has been a forceful voice in education debates for more than four decades. A research professor at New York University since 1995, she has taught at Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, served as an Assistant Secretary of Education, and edited educatio... more »
Obama’s Tears and No Voter Left Behind | Cedar's Digest
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 11 hours ago
Obama’s Tears and No Voter Left Behind | Cedar's Digest: Obama’s Tears and No Voter Left Behind Posted on November 11, 2012 Like many progressive Obama supporters, I was moved by his tears as he thanked his Chicago staff and volunteers this past week. Whether or not you believe he is a great president, it is pretty clear he is a good man and genuinely grateful for his audience’s service to his cause. This rare crack in the remarkable poise reminded me of Charles Pierce’s piece on the greatness of Obama in his Esquire blog: Part of what drives people crazy about him — and if you ... more »
OCCUPY EDUCATION - (via Imagining Learning | Why Contribute) JOIN US...
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 11 hours ago
OCCUPY EDUCATION - (via Imagining Learning | Why Contribute) JOIN US...: (via Imagining Learning | Why Contribute) JOIN US in creating a... (via Imagining Learning | Why Contribute) JOIN US in creating a national collective voice of the wisdom of young people on education by sponsoring a Listening Session. Please donate 10 dollars or more to help sponsor an upcoming listening sessions in the south! We have 4 listening sessions in the next week (Charleston, SC and Atlanta, GA) and another 5 planned for later this month including Alabama, North Carolina, Mississippi and Florida. T... more »
Thinking About Schools: Dear Mr. President, Part 1
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 11 hours ago
Thinking About Schools: Dear Mr. President, Part 1: Dear Mr. President, Part 1 Dear Second Term President Obama: You are in an enviable position, perhaps the most enviable in the educational world today. You do not need to worry about re-election. You’ve got a good three years to affect substantial, meaningful change. You can say whatever the hell you want (sorry, but it's time to throw some Bill Russell elbows, Mr. President). You’ve got the microphone, the votes, and the next Supreme Court nomination(s). You’re a dad. You know the roots of American students, you know what i... more »
Diane in the Evening 11-11-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: Teachers’ Facebook and Phone Campaign for Obama by dianerav Two teachers have started a campaign to take their message to the White House: stop the Race to the Top! The message of their campaign: Give all students the same education your girls are getting! Abandon Race to the Top and stop privatizing public schools. Join them! EduShyster Credits Stephanie Rivera for SFER Expose by dianerav Earlier, I published a post about Students for Education Reform, linking to a post by EduShyster. SFER is a junior version of Democrats for Education Reform, the group form... more »
A Novel and Worthy Cause « Teaching Between the Lines
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
A Novel and Worthy Cause « Teaching Between the Lines: A Novel and Worthy Cause by Laura You are frustrated with the testing emphasis in education, and you really resent politicians and non-educators trying to tell teachers what to do in their classrooms. You are especially upset over the shift away from creative, artistic pursuits in the classroom as drill-and-kill math and reading replace the arts. So what can you do to make a difference? Don’t despair, my friend! The Office of Letters and Light is a non-profit organization that believes in “*ambitious acts of the imagination... more »
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Being Right vs. Being Relevant….
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Being Right vs. Being Relevant….: Being Right vs. Being Relevant…. by alicemercer As I’ve said before, the saying goes that California is like the rest of the country, only sooner. The GOP in the Golden State has only remained politically relevant because of the bizarre requirement for a two-thirds majority to pass state budgets. Now they may have even lost that perk. I’ll share a couple of observations from what happened here that I think may be germane to the current situation nationally. The state GOP has never shaken the bad reputation ... more »
Update for Occupy DOE 2.0: The Battle for Public Schools | United Opt Out National
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Update for Occupy DOE 2.0: The Battle for Public Schools | United Opt Out National: Update for Occupy DOE 2.0: The Battle for Public Schools by admin This week please share this brief update on Occupy DOE 2.0, The Battle for Public Schools, April 4-7, 2013. We return to DC this year and will occupy the Dept. of Ed. for four days. Our schedule is filling quickly. Here is a sneak peek of what we currently have confirmed, followed by information on hotels, free sleeping arrangements and a few additional details . Please click on each name to learn more – we will have a full schedul... more »
NYC Public School Parents: PEP's Mayoral Bloc Rejects Call for Delay in Charter School Co-locations
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
NYC Public School Parents: PEP's Mayoral Bloc Rejects Call for Delay in Charter School Co-locations: PEP's Mayoral Bloc Rejects Call for Delay in Charter School Co-locations by Patrick J. Sullivan Thursday's Panel for Educational Policy meeting at Frank Sinatra HS started forty minutes late as Vice Chair Freida Foster waited for enough mayoral bloc appointees to ensure the mayor's super-majority was in place to approve resolutions. *Deferral of Co-Location Votes or "The People's Business"* Brooklyn representative Kelvin Diamond introduced a resolution to defer co-location votes fr... more »
School Tech Connect: Do Elections Have Consequences?
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
School Tech Connect: Do Elections Have Consequences?: Do Elections Have Consequences? by (Tim Furman) We'll just see... One of the things I've learned in the past year is to not be shy about inviting policymakers to meetings. Just sent an email to my state representative.
Malloy’s decision to coddle the rich = State Budget Deficit - Wait, What?
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Malloy’s decision to coddle the rich = State Budget Deficit - Wait, What?: Malloy’s decision to coddle the rich = State Budget Deficit by jonpelto When Governor Malloy proposed his $1.5 billion tax increase last year, anyone making over $1 million dollars was spared any increase in the state income tax rate. Concerned that the super-rich in Fairfield County might leave Connecticut – despite the fact that the income tax rate is higher in New York and New Jersey – and much higher in New York City – Malloy’s tax package only increased the income tax rate on people making LESS THAN $1... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Should Student Tweets Be Revealed?
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Should Student Tweets Be Revealed?: Should Student Tweets Be Revealed? by Melissa Westbrook Here's a dilemma (or maybe not). Over at the Jezebel blog, they found that there were a number of teens who, after the reelection of President Obama, sent out very hateful and racist tweets. Jezebel looked these teens up and where they went to school, checked their school's code of conduct, and then contacted their respective administrations. In many cases, either the school code of conduct and/or student athletic code of conduct was violate. Jezebel say... more »
Fresh Awesome in the Teachbad Store!! | Mr. Teachbad
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Fresh Awesome in the Teachbad Store!! | Mr. Teachbad: Fresh Awesome in the Teachbad Store!! by teachbad Fresh Awesome in the Teachbad Store!! As mid-autumn teacher depression and anxiety finds its sweet spot, and in time for thoughtful holiday gift-giving, Mr. Teachbad is delighted to offer two BRAND NEW products to our growing line of *Strictly Home-Use Teacher Gifts*. Check ‘em out. I especially like the *Pretty Good Teacher* mug.
Last Stand for Children First: Michelle Rhee's Policies Proven a Rousing Success
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Last Stand for Children First: Michelle Rhee's Policies Proven a Rousing Success: Michelle Rhee's Policies Proven a Rousing Success by Last Stand for Children I was overjoyed yesterday to see the Washington Post trumpeting a new report by the New Teacher Project trumpeting Michelle Rhee's success as Chancellor of the Washington D.C. schools. We've always known Ms. Rhee was a force of nature since she first appeared on our radar when she founded the New Teacher Project back in 1997. As Chancellor, Mr. Rhee was something of a lightening rod for controversy, but even the Washington... more »
Kimble's Corner: Congressman Kimble Meets the Nation to Talk about GOP Future
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Kimble's Corner: Congressman Kimble Meets the Nation to Talk about GOP Future: Congressman Kimble Meets the Nation to Talk about GOP Future by Representative Kimble Greg Roberts: The echoes of Tuesday night's crushing defeat for Mitt Romney and the rest of Republican candidates still echo through the beltway. The fiscal cliff awaits, but it seems what everybody is talking about is how the Republicans rebound with demographics seemingly working against them for years to come. Our guest, Jack Kimble from California was a rare Republican winner on Tuesday night, winning his home di... more »
Math Can Be Truly Painful, Brain Study Shows | toteachornototeach
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Math Can Be Truly Painful, Brain Study Shows | toteachornototeach: Math Can Be Truly Painful, Brain Study Shows by aristotlethewise *Math Can Be Truly Painful, Brain Study Shows* *For math-phobes, anticipation of math work activates pain centers in brain. * by Jeremy Berlin Does the thought of 1+1= ouch? If you hate math, it might—literally. According to a new study, the mere prospect of a math problem causes pain centers to light up in number-phobic brains. Researchers at the University of Chicago measured the neural activity of 28 adults—14 who’d been identified with high math anxi... more »
2012 election lessons. We don’t have to accept bad legislation. Oust those who proposed it. Build a democratic union. « Fred Klonsky
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
2012 election lessons. We don’t have to accept bad legislation. Oust those who proposed it. Build a democratic union. « Fred Klonsky: 2012 election lessons. We don’t have to accept bad legislation. Oust those who proposed it. Build a democratic union. by Fred Klonsky John Wilson is the former Executive Director of the National Education Association. Before that he led the N.C. Association of Educators. He taught special education for 23 years. He is a past chair of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, the Learning First Alliance, and the N.C. Covenant for Children. Wilson pos... more »
Jersey Jazzman: The Deeply Flawed TNTP Report on DC Schools
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Jersey Jazzman: The Deeply Flawed TNTP Report on DC Schools: The Deeply Flawed TNTP Report on DC Schools by Duke UPDATE: Matt DiCarlo has, as is usual, an excellent analysis. I especially like what he says about the survey TNTP conducted: Unless I’m missing something, TNTP does not present any basic characteristics of their survey sample, to say nothing of trying to compare them with those of the larger DCPS group (the same was true of the districts in the “Irreplaceables” report). This is always required (even with random samples), but it’s especially important given that TNTP is... more »
All Education Matters: Rolling Jubilee: You Are Not A Loan
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
All Education Matters: Rolling Jubilee: You Are Not A Loan: Rolling Jubilee: You Are Not A Loan by Cryn Johannsen Occupy Wall Street has launched an ingenious campaign, something that is truly beyond capitalism. Just as they have stepped in to help victims of Sandy (OPERATION Occupy Sandy), the collective group of dreamers, activists, and community lovers have decided a new angle to the solving the debt crisis - *a bailout for the people and by the people.* The People's Bailout, cleverly called a Rolling Jubilee, begins on November 15th!
Short Notes: In a Kendrick Lamar and Lady Gaga Sorta Vibe | The Jose Vilson
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 hours ago
Short Notes: In a Kendrick Lamar and Lady Gaga Sorta Vibe | The Jose Vilson: Short Notes: In a Kendrick Lamar and Lady Gaga Sorta Vibe by Jose Kendrick Lamar A few notes: - Lady Gaga posted a version of Kendrick Lamar’s “Don’t Kill My Vibe” which originally featured … her. Awesome. [Twitter / @LadyGaga] - According to Slate, NASA is also very happy with Obama’s re-election. To space and beyond. [Slate] - I’m not a fan of war, nor am I happy we have troops in places we don’t need to. This Wilfred Owen poem is a good reminder for us. [via Twitter / Alec Couros]
School Tech Connect: Put This On Your Calendar
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
School Tech Connect: Put This On Your Calendar: Put This On Your Calendar by (Tim Furman) I'll be at this event with some of the members of the new group up here, Rogers Park Neighbors for Public Schools. Come join us if you're up here, or even if you're close by. You folks down in Edgewater are going to have to organize locally as well, as far as I can tell.
Support for Elected School Board Growing in Chicago « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Support for Elected School Board Growing in Chicago « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!: Support for Elected School Board Growing in Chicago by millerlf *Aldermen push for city-wide referendum on elected school board* BY FRAN SPIELMAN AND ROSALIND ROSSI Staff Reporters November 8, 2012 Chicago Sun Times Independent Chicago aldermen vowed Thursday to push for a citywide referendum on an elected school board opposed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, emboldened by 86 percent support from voters in parts of 35 wards. Despite a parliamentary maneuver by a mayoral ally that blocked refere... more »
Tavis Smiley & Dr. Cornel West on Poverty: “The Rich and the Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifesto” | Seattle Education
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Tavis Smiley & Dr. Cornel West on Poverty: “The Rich and the Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifesto” | Seattle Education: Tavis Smiley & Dr. Cornel West on Poverty: “The Rich and the Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifesto” by seattleducation2011 From Democracy Now: *As the most expensive presidential election in U.S. history comes to an end, broadcaster Tavis Smiley and professor, activist Dr. Cornel West discuss President Obama’s re-election and their hopes for a national political agenda in and outside of the White House during Obama’s second term. At a time when one in six Americans is poor,... more »
Time on testing: 738 minutes in 3 weeks
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Time on testing: 738 minutes in 3 weeks: Time on testing: 738 minutes in 3 weeks Posted by Valerie Strauss on November 11, 2012 at 11:30 am - [image: Smaller Text] [image: Larger Text] Text Size - Print - Reprints - Share: - - - More » How much time do teachers and students spend on standardized tests? That’s one of the big questions in public education today, which Adam Heenan, a Chicago school teacher and member of the Chicago Teachers Union addresses here. By Adam Heenan A few days ago, a colleague walked into our social studies department with a bubbled... more »
Shanker Blog » Describing, Explaining And Affecting Teacher Retention In D.C.
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Shanker Blog » Describing, Explaining And Affecting Teacher Retention In D.C.: Describing, Explaining And Affecting Teacher Retention In D.C. by Matthew Di Carlo The New Teacher Project (TNTP) has released a new report on teacher retention in D.C. Public Schools (DCPS). It is a spinoff of their “The Irreplaceables” report, which was released a few months ago, and which is discussed in this post. The four (unnamed) districts from that report are also used in this one, and their results are compared with those from DCPS. I want to look quickly at this new supplemental analysis, not ... more »
Schools Matter: The Hard Bigotry of Low Expectations in Florida
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Schools Matter: The Hard Bigotry of Low Expectations in Florida: The Hard Bigotry of Low Expectations in Florida by Judy Rabin With the ink barely dry on the outcome of the Presidential election in Florida, the FL school Board is now looking for new and innovative ways to keep the FCAT, virtual schools and private money machine rolling. This way Jeb Bush's buddies. K-12 and other for-profit education outfits who make their money off the backs of the poorest and most vulnerable children and their teachers can keep their wheels greased till 2018 under this proposal. The soft bigot... more »
The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky: The Sunday Mail. by Fred Klonsky *Veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (my dad) Robert Klonsky. Phot0: Life Photographer Peter Stackpole 1938.* *General Petraeus*. Maybe it wasn’t just about his zipper. *The day I retired, my school district cut off my email access at 2:30.* Mittens didn’t wait* that long* to cut off his people. *Bill O’ Reilly says we just want stuff.* He’s right. Medicare. Social Security. Health Care. Collective bargaining. An end to deportations. Access to safe abortions. Stuff. Lots of stuff. *Will Democratic Party super-majo... more »
George Lucas: Education the key to robust future - Marin Independent Journal
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
George Lucas: Education the key to robust future - Marin Independent Journal: George Lucas: Education the key to robust future By Nels Johnson George Lucas intends to use his wealth to benefit education. Lucas, who sold Lucasfilm to Disney last month for $2 billion in cash and $2 billion in Disney stock, indicated he will use most of his wealth to educate children in a written statement elaborating on earlier word that educational endeavors will be the big beneficiary of his philanthropy. "As long as I have the resources at my disposal, I will seek to raise the bar for future gener... more »
Why Florida’s High School End of Course Exam Regime May Cause a New Surge in Drop Outs | Scathing Purple Musings
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Why Florida’s High School End of Course Exam Regime May Cause a New Surge in Drop Outs | Scathing Purple Musings: Why Florida’s High School End of Course Exam Regime May Cause a New Surge in Drop Outs by Bob Sikes Looking to curry favor with skeptical voters, Rick Scott’s been going around telling everybody that there won’t be any new tests for a while. He’s right, but the decision was in place before he became governor. In Florida high schools, the transition away from FCAT to course specific end-of-course exams was made during Charlie Crist’s governorship. Kids entering high s... more »
Cyber-charter schools: Are they making the grade? - News
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Cyber-charter schools: Are they making the grade? - News: Cyber-charter schools: Are they making the grade? Spending school days online, not in classroom Con Academy Browse Con Academy library of over 3,100 educational videos... By MARY BETH SCHWEIGERT and CHIP SMEDLEY Staff Angela Altrichter home-schooled all three of her sons through eighth grade. But as her boys got older, Altrichter realized she didn't want to teach high school. She looked for a program with a low student-to-teacher ratio and eventually chose 21st Century Cyber Charter School in Exton. Altrichter's youn... more »
Should this school be saved? The fight over Chicago's Dyett High | Reuters
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Should this school be saved? The fight over Chicago's Dyett High | Reuters: Should this school be saved? The fight over Chicago's Dyett High (Reuters) - By just about any definition, Walter H. Dyett High School has failed. Just 10 percent can pass the state math exam; barely one in six is proficient in reading. The technology lab is so ancient, some of the computers still take 3-inch floppy disks. More teens drop out than graduate. Yet when the Chicago Board of Education announced plans to shut the place down, it sparked a community uprising. Students, parents and teachers have sta... more »
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 11-10-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 11-3-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 10-27-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
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Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-11-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-10-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-9-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-9-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-8-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-7-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-6-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-5-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-4-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-2-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 11-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2