International Day of the Girl
Yes, it's a calendar day just for girls. To that end, CNN asked prominent women what they would tell their 15-year old selves.
What a huge question. I far like myself better now than at 15. I think that if, at that time, there had been more "you go girl" mentality, I would have been a stronger person. If there had been more sports for girls, I would have been the athlete and not the person cheering on the sidelines. (But I was a feminist even then and never let a boy tell me I couldn't do something.)
What would I say to my 15-year old self -
Be bold, be brave, you are not what other people say about you, appreciate your mother more and stay true to yourself. Don't hold a grudge but remember, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Learn from mistakes and realize you will ALWAYS make them. (And, there are a lot of boys in the sea; don't waste time pining over just one.) And, as Scarlett O'Hara said, tomorrow is another day.
Here are a few of the best CNN quotes:
Do not fear failure. Do not let negative experiences - and there are always plenty - get in your way. In your life, many things - especially the biggest heartbreaks - will only make sense as you look back, not as you are
What a huge question. I far like myself better now than at 15. I think that if, at that time, there had been more "you go girl" mentality, I would have been a stronger person. If there had been more sports for girls, I would have been the athlete and not the person cheering on the sidelines. (But I was a feminist even then and never let a boy tell me I couldn't do something.)
What would I say to my 15-year old self -
Be bold, be brave, you are not what other people say about you, appreciate your mother more and stay true to yourself. Don't hold a grudge but remember, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Learn from mistakes and realize you will ALWAYS make them. (And, there are a lot of boys in the sea; don't waste time pining over just one.) And, as Scarlett O'Hara said, tomorrow is another day.
Here are a few of the best CNN quotes:
Do not fear failure. Do not let negative experiences - and there are always plenty - get in your way. In your life, many things - especially the biggest heartbreaks - will only make sense as you look back, not as you are