11 years ago this morning
I was in my classroom at Williamsburg Middle School in Arlington VA, two and a half miles from the house in which I write these words. The Principal's secretary came into my room and motioned me over to her.
"Your wife called to tell you Ron is all right."
I expressed puzzlement.
"Your wife called to tell you your brother-in-law Ron is all right."
Ron is an FBI agent, married to one of my wife's younger sisters. At the time he was stationed in New York,
"Your wife called to tell you Ron is all right."
I expressed puzzlement.
"Your wife called to tell you your brother-in-law Ron is all right."
Ron is an FBI agent, married to one of my wife's younger sisters. At the time he was stationed in New York,
Eugene Robinson: "Romney's health-care dither"
is a succinct put-down of the Republican candidate's flip-flops on a key issue of this campaign. He begins simply enough:
I’m trying to figure out just where Mitt Romney stands on health-care reform. Obviously, so is Mitt Romney.The Pulitzer Prize winner then recapitulates events beginning with Romney's remarks last Sunday on Meet the Press, in this Washington Post op ed, which I not only urge you to read, but to pass on.
shocking Kurt Eichenwald op ed in NY Times
titled The Deafness Before The Storm. It was timed for tomorrow's 9-11 anniversary. Why? Eichenwald argues that the famous August 6 Presidential Daily Brief, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US," was the final in a series of PDBs through which the CIA attempted to alert the White House to the imminent threat, which Richard Clarke has described as George Tenet having his hair on fire during the summer. The Bush White House would not release those earlier PDBs. Eichenwald has
read excerpts from many of them, along with other recently declassified records, and come to an inescapable conclusion: the administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed. In