Off to DC for SOS.

I’m flying off to DC this morning to attend the Save Our Schools conference.
Washington DC twice in one summer? Crazy.
I hearing that it’s hot and humid. But that’s no different than Chicago has been all summer long.
Anyway, if you’re around, come join the discussion on teacher unions. I’m on the panel.
And be sure to catch one of the great speakers at the conference.TEACHERS’ UNIONS, TEACHERS’ RIGHTS, TEACHERS’ VOICE
Session Presenters: Mike Klonsky and Lee Barrios
Panelists: Fred Klonsky, Dr. Michael A. Walker Jones, and a [soon-to-be-announced] Representative from the Chicago Teachers Union.
Session Type(s): Presentation
Date: Saturday, August 4, 2012
Time: 9:45 – 11:15 AM
Room: To Be Arranged
The Labor Workshop will begin with a panel of teacher union activists, including Michael Walker-Jones, Executive Director of the Louisiana Association of Educators, Fred Klonsky, Chicago activist and former local union president of the Park Ridge Education Association, and a [soon-to-be-announced] Representative from the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU)). SOS Steering Committee members Mike Klonsky and Lee Barrios will moderate and act as respondents.
The panel discussion will focus on hot-topic issues relating to the defense of teachers collective bargaining rights in the face of the current assault on unions. The discussion will be followed by a workshop discussion leading to an action plan for the coming year and a resolution to be adopted by the convention.
The in box. “I was shocked that the IEA would so complacently go along with this total self-serving agenda of the IPI.”
My wife and I went to Lemont. Kabuki theater at its best. No debate. Talking points tossed out to be consumed by the uninformed. Set-up from the beginning to divide the people in attendance. Ringers in the audience being called on to re-enforce the talking points of the IPI. This was a total disservice to the community of Lemont, a community that has its struggles in supporting it’s schools and all it did was divide the community and mislead it and pray upon its fears for its schools. I was shocked that the IEA would so complacently go along with this total self-serving