Scott Walker Aide Wanted Union Foe Michelle Rhee to Counter Teacher Protests, Email Shows
| Fri Jun. 1, 2012 3:32 AM PDT

Days after Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker"dropped the bomb" on his state's public employees last year by proposing to cut most of their collective bargaining rights, a top Walker aide suggested bringing controversial school reform advocate and union foe Michelle Rhee to Wisconsin to quell potential teacher protests, according to newly released internal emails.
On February 12, 2011, the day after Walker unveiled his anti-union budget "repair" bill known as Act 10, Walker's communications director Chris Schrimpf told colleagues that he believed teachers would put up a formidable fight over Walker's assault on unions. "It seems from the coverage overall that the teachers are going to be the greatest opposition to this, which makes sense since they are in every community and can talk about 'the kids,'" Schrimpf wrote. "Communicating to them and correcting their message will be key." Schrimpf suggested sending letters to teachers, superintendents, and