CTA's recommendations for the June 5 primary
CTA’s recommendations for the June 5 primary election
Now more than ever, support and VOTE for CTA’s recommended candidates.
Remember — your vote makes a difference. In California’s “open primary” system, the top two vote-getters, regardless of political party, will move on to the November general election. Now more than ever we must elect lawmakers who will fund public schools and support teachers. Know that when you cast your vote for CTA-recommended candidates, you vote for those who will support teaching and learning issues. Learn more at www.cta.org.
State Assembly
AD 02 Wes Chesbro
AD 04 Mariko Yamada
AD 06 Reginald Bronner
AD 07 Roger Dickinson
AD 08 Ken Cooley
AD 09 Richard Pan
AD 10 Michael Allen
AD 11 Patricia Hernandez
AD 14 Susan Bonilla
AD 15 Nancy Skinner
AD 16 Joan Buchanan
AD 17 Tom Ammiano
AD 18 Abel Guillen
AD 19 Phil Ting
AD 21 Adam Gray
AD 22 Kevin Mullin
AD 24 Rich Gordon
AD 25 Bob Wieckowski
AD 27 Nora Campos
AD 28 Paul Fong
AD 29 Mark Stone
AD 30 Luis Alejo
AD 31 Henry Perea*
AD 32 Rudy Salas
AD 36 Steve Fox
AD 37 Das Williams
AD 38 Paul Strickland
AD 39 Richard Alarcón
AD 41 Chris Holden
AD 42 Mark Orozco
AD 43 Mike Gatto*
AD 45 Bob Blumenfield
AD 46 Andrew Lachman
AD 48 Roger Hernández
AD 49 Edwin Chau
AD 52 Norma Torres
AD 53 John Pérez
AD 54 Holly Mitchell
AD 56 Victor Manuel Pérez
AD 57 Rudy Bermudez
AD 61 Jose Medina
AD 62 Steven Bradford
AD 63 Anthony Rendon
AD 64 Isadore Hall III
AD 66 Al Muratsuchi
AD 69 Julio Perez
AD 70 Bonnie Lowenthal*
AD 78 Toni Atkins
AD 80 Ben Hueso
State Senate
SD 03 Lois Wolk
SD 05 Cathleen Galgiani
SD 07 Mark DeSaulnier*
SD 09 Loni Hancock
SD 11 Mark Leno
SD 13 Sally Lieber
SD 15 Jim Beall
SD 17 Bill Monning
SD 19 Hannah-Beth Jackson
SD 21 Star Moffatt
SD 25 Carol Liu
SD 27 Fran Pavley
SD 33 Ricardo Lara
SD 35 Roderick Wright
SD 39 Marty Block
*Pending paperwork
Vote yes on Proposition 28
Term Limits Reform
This initiative changes the term limits of members of the state Legislature, which currently allow a legislator to serve two terms in the Senate and three terms in the Assembly, for a maximum of 14 years. Prop. 28 reduces the lifetime total to 12 years, but allows a legislator to serve in the Assembly, the Senate, or a combination of the two. While the overall limit would be reduced, a legislator could stay longer in one house and develop greater expertise within a policy area, which would make them more effective and more accountable to their constituency.
Now more than ever, support and VOTE for CTA’s recommended candidates.
Remember — your vote makes a difference. In California’s “open primary” system, the top two vote-getters, regardless of political party, will move on to the November general election. Now more than ever we must elect lawmakers who will fund public schools and support teachers. Know that when you cast your vote for CTA-recommended candidates, you vote for those who will support teaching and learning issues. Learn more at www.cta.org.
State Assembly
AD 02 Wes Chesbro
AD 04 Mariko Yamada
AD 06 Reginald Bronner
AD 07 Roger Dickinson
AD 08 Ken Cooley
AD 09 Richard Pan
AD 10 Michael Allen
AD 11 Patricia Hernandez
AD 14 Susan Bonilla
AD 15 Nancy Skinner
AD 16 Joan Buchanan
AD 17 Tom Ammiano
AD 18 Abel Guillen
AD 19 Phil Ting
AD 21 Adam Gray
AD 22 Kevin Mullin
AD 24 Rich Gordon
AD 25 Bob Wieckowski
AD 27 Nora Campos
AD 28 Paul Fong
AD 29 Mark Stone
AD 30 Luis Alejo
AD 31 Henry Perea*
AD 32 Rudy Salas
AD 36 Steve Fox
AD 37 Das Williams
AD 38 Paul Strickland
AD 39 Richard Alarcón
AD 41 Chris Holden
AD 42 Mark Orozco
AD 43 Mike Gatto*
AD 45 Bob Blumenfield
AD 46 Andrew Lachman
AD 48 Roger Hernández
AD 49 Edwin Chau
AD 52 Norma Torres
AD 53 John Pérez
AD 54 Holly Mitchell
AD 56 Victor Manuel Pérez
AD 57 Rudy Bermudez
AD 61 Jose Medina
AD 62 Steven Bradford
AD 63 Anthony Rendon
AD 64 Isadore Hall III
AD 66 Al Muratsuchi
AD 69 Julio Perez
AD 70 Bonnie Lowenthal*
AD 78 Toni Atkins
AD 80 Ben Hueso
State Senate
SD 03 Lois Wolk
SD 05 Cathleen Galgiani
SD 07 Mark DeSaulnier*
SD 09 Loni Hancock
SD 11 Mark Leno
SD 13 Sally Lieber
SD 15 Jim Beall
SD 17 Bill Monning
SD 19 Hannah-Beth Jackson
SD 21 Star Moffatt
SD 25 Carol Liu
SD 27 Fran Pavley
SD 33 Ricardo Lara
SD 35 Roderick Wright
SD 39 Marty Block
*Pending paperwork
Vote yes on Proposition 28
Term Limits Reform
This initiative changes the term limits of members of the state Legislature, which currently allow a legislator to serve two terms in the Senate and three terms in the Assembly, for a maximum of 14 years. Prop. 28 reduces the lifetime total to 12 years, but allows a legislator to serve in the Assembly, the Senate, or a combination of the two. While the overall limit would be reduced, a legislator could stay longer in one house and develop greater expertise within a policy area, which would make them more effective and more accountable to their constituency.
- CTA believes the recommendation of candidates for public office and participation in the political process are essential parts of the Association program. CTA maintains a fair and open process as established by the State Council of Education. As CTA Executive Director Carolyn Doggett enthusiastically expressed at the January 2012 Council meeting: We will stay of of politics when they stay out of our classrooms. SeeCTA's policy handbook on CTA's Legislative/Political activities.
At the March Council meeting, the body voted to recommend candidates for the June Primary election. Check out who's on the list: Council's recommended candidates for Assembly and Senate.
At the March 2012 State Council of Education meeting, the body voted to recommend candidates for Congress for the June Primary election. CTA members, view the Council's
recommended candidates.
This initiative, which is bankrolled by the ultra wealthy, would silence the voices of California union workers and strengthen the clout of big corporations.
For more information, resources and materials on the Special Exemptions Act - see the Campaign Resources tab above and key points below.
CTA President Dean E. Vogel described what's at stake in the upcoming election, not the least of which is the Special Exemptions Act, formerly known as "Corporate Power Grab."
Called the "School Public Safety Act," it's a compromise initiative that taxes the wealthy to provide billions for public schools & essential services & helps close the state budget deficit.
Compromise Tax Initiative Quick Points:HTML | PDF
CTA Executive Director Carolyn Doggett: Why it's more important than ever for CTA members and the soc