Could You Speak Into My Lapel?
I see from the Twitter traffic that the House passed Elaine Nekritz's "eavesdropping" law. My hat is off to this representative, who not only answers emails but who writes laws that help me. I completely regret my occasional excoriations of her performance on the pensions committee, abysmal as that performance was, in my opinion.
My understanding, which could be wrong, is that it's major big-time illegal in Illinois to audio record without both the consent of everyone being recorded. Even though I think people are basically safe in the courts when brought up on charges, you can still be arrested for it.
I myself wear an audio device when I think there's a possibility I'm going to be roughed up by someone. Indeed, I
My understanding, which could be wrong, is that it's major big-time illegal in Illinois to audio record without both the consent of everyone being recorded. Even though I think people are basically safe in the courts when brought up on charges, you can still be arrested for it.
I myself wear an audio device when I think there's a possibility I'm going to be roughed up by someone. Indeed, I