No Child Left Behind tutoring costs Tulsa Public Schools millions | Tulsa World: "
No Child Left Behind tutoring costs Tulsa Public Schools millions
Published: 3/18/2012 4:26 PM
Last Modified: 3/18/2012 4:26 PM
The federal No Child Left Behind Act’s requirement for low-performing schools to offer tutoring services by outside companies is coming to an end, but not before it costs Tulsa Public Schools a record amount of money.
The number of Tulsa students being served by tutoring vendors has increased 55 percent this school year, meaning the school district could pay out as much as $2.73 million of its federal funding if vendors bill the maximum $1,360 per child for all 2,008 current participants.
“We have very little say-so or control over these vendors,” said Tracy Bayles, executive director of federal programs and special projects at TPS.
“We have no information about who is doing the tutoring, and some of it is done in students’ homes. We have had concerns about safety in the past. Some even transport our students, but
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Rest Well, Dr. Zolbrod
Word came this morning that Paul Zolbrod passed away yesterday. May his
memory be a blessing.
Dr. Zolbrod first taught me when I was a freshman at Alleghen...
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