Sunday links.
They’re still talking about Rahm’s paid protesters on Ken Davis’ Chicago Newsroom. This is a story that seems to have legs. It starts at 22:30 on the video.
The cops break up one of the last Occupy encampments. This one in DC.
In an address to the Hitler Youth, Hitler said, ”In our eyes, the German boy of the future must be slim and slender, as fast as a greyhound, tough as leather and hard as Krupp steel” (“der deutsche Junge der Zukunft muß schlank und rank sein, flink wie Windhunde, zäh wie Leder und hart wie Kruppstahl.”). Rahm warmly welcomes Krupp to Chicago in spite their record of having a hostile work environment.
There is anger in the Bronx. February 4th 2012 was the 13th anniversary of the NYPD murder of Amadou Diallo. The beating of Jatiek Reed and the murder of Rahmarley Graham lead to a Rally for Justice.
As Indiana becomes another Right To Work state, Illinois politicians claim it gives Indiana an economic