Looking Hard at Facilities Issues Costs the District More Money
From the Seattle Times comes this story about how much money it is costing to review the Facilities department. Sigh. Yes, it wasn't just the Silas Potter-connected programs but the whole thing is getting a good look-see. From the article:
While the district's initial consulting contract was $25,000, the scope of work quickly grew. The district extended the contract three times for varying amounts that now total $162,000, according to records obtained by The Seattle Times under the state's public records act.
I have to wonder, out of all the things the Times could investigate, how they picked this one but fine.
It's a great thing, frankly, because ALL of Facilities and Capital Projects should get this look. It's disturbing to
While the district's initial consulting contract was $25,000, the scope of work quickly grew. The district extended the contract three times for varying amounts that now total $162,000, according to records obtained by The Seattle Times under the state's public records act.
I have to wonder, out of all the things the Times could investigate, how they picked this one but fine.
It's a great thing, frankly, because ALL of Facilities and Capital Projects should get this look. It's disturbing to