SOS in Chicago Saturday
Quick post this morning. I see over at Small Talk that the Chicago SOS group is going to meet at 10AM this Saturday over at Hull House.
Following up on the Save Our Schools March/Rally in D.C., SOS Chicago will hold its first meeting, Saturday, Aug. 27th at 10 a.m. at Jane Addams Hull House, 800 S. Halsted. St. Hope to see you there.Spread the word. I'm usually just getting in at that hour, but I'm going to try to race down there. Anyway, much more to write about but I'm behind. Plus two nights ago, a creature--- and I believe it was a pterodactyl--- bit me as I slept, and the injury has morphed into something Sigourney Weaver would shoot at without hesitation. With my current health plan, I'm entitled to two leechings and a seance, so that's what I'll be doing today.