Last Audit & Finance Roundup (Audit)
Audit&Finance Committee (Audit) - from June 7, 2011
- in the minutes from the May 10th meeting, we learn that there were 20 applications for the Internal Auditor (that the district needs to fill soon so it does not keep having these poor audits). They were interviewing and it is stated they may need a second round of interviews. Since there has been no announcement a month later, I wonder if no one was selected after all.
- Also there was note that a flyer would be distributed to incoming K parents about Pay for K but no date when that might happen.
- Director DeBell brought up the issue of daily attendance and state compensation (meaning the Legislature is considering tying the two together) and how it would be a burden to the district. Duggan Harmon said that there is a new focus at the district on accuracy and said there was no real definition of what is an excused absence. OSPI is to come up with one and then in January (2012) districts will have