DREAM ACT Call to Action by Jose Antonio Vargas garners Mentoring Challenge
Urgent, national challenge to address Latino educational attainment deficit ties directly to need for passage of the DREAM Act; call to action for an educated America to return to number one spot by 2020 requires DREAMers to become college graduates too; Olga Milan-Howells, real-estate developer of San Francisco heeds call
After hearing the shocking news of Pulitzer Prize winner Jose Antonio Vargas’ coming out about his immigration status, California author and entrepreneur Graciela Tiscareño-Sato decided to push her call for the “Two by 2020 Mentoring Challenge” harder than ever. The challenge asks college-educated Americans to commit to mentoring two young people for the next nine years, with a special focus on Latino youth. This includes assisting a high school or college dropout you may know to complete their education.
Why the urgency? By 2020, America needs 36 million new college graduates to become the most educated nation on Earth; because of rapid population growth, 5.5 million of those degrees must come from the Latino community—611,000 per year. This means America needs Latino high school students, including those that are DREAMers, to also graduate from college. “Active, intentional, long-term mentoring is the only way that a kid