Spending has reached nearly $2.7 million in the runoff election between community activist Luis Sanchez and veteran teacher Bennett Kayser for a seat on the seven-member Los Angeles Unified school board.

The winner will replace outgoing board member Yolie Flores, who represents much of the eastern rim of the city, including Silver Lake, Eagle Rock and Boyle Heights as well as southeast cities including Maywood and Huntington Park.

San Fernando Valley voters will not be able to weigh in on this race, but the winner will sit on the panel that makes policy decisions affecting all schools.

And the race has become as much about finding a successor to Flores as it has been a pitched battle between school reformers and the teacher's union, which have contributed large sums of money to support and oppose

Politics looms large in Los Angeles Community College District runoff race

Traditionally, elections for the Los Angeles Community College district board of trustees attract minimal attention and even fewer voters to the polls. This year's is turning out to be an exception.