Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This Week In Education: NSVF 2011: Reformy Summit Returns To Silicon Valley

This Week In Education: NSVF 2011: Reformy Summit Returns To Silicon Valley

NSVF 2011: Reformy Summit Returns To Silicon Valley

Last night's NSVF summit reception featured Target-branded cocktails and bass-heavy lounge music provided by a live DJ. Today the San Francisco (adjacent) hotel where the event is being held will be swarming with sharply-dressed reformers and funders (but usually very few teachers or administrators). Fill your day with long-distance scorn or envy by following along. Send me email or tweets to let me know what I'm missing or what sessions I should go to:

Video: Dysfunction, Mis-Spending, & Despair In Detroit

Here's part one of Dan Rather's report on Detroit Public Schools that first aired last week-- available for free this week according to the folks from HDnet who are trying to make sure the show gets noticed:

I watched the first part and it's ponderous and predictable albeit with some great footage (including interviews with a former DPS employee who belatedly decided to blow the whistle on mis-spending at the central office.) Does Rather add anything to the story we don't already know, or provide a useful reminder of realities we may have forgotten? Here's a favorable review of the two hour report -- I didn't see many other responses -- and a link to the other two parts.