Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Schools Matter: Democracy Now Interviews Harry Belafonte

Schools Matter: Democracy Now Interviews Harry Belafonte

Democracy Now Interviews Harry Belafonte

Below is commentary by Bruce Dixon, who references the Democracy Now interview above:
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon

Does President Obama really want us to “make him do it,” to organize and agitate and create the conditions that will let him end the wars, cut the military budget, create jobs and address the hyper-incarceration of black and brown youth? Or is the “make me do it” president an urban legend who lives only inside our heads? A recent presidential encounter with Harry Belafonte tells more than some of us may want to know.

There is a popular myth which explains President Barack Obama's reluctance to stand up to Pentagon militarists, Wall Street banksters and corporate greedheads. This myth excuses the president for ignoring massive black unemployment and not providing his promised path to citizenship for the undocumented, for not using presidential authority to halt the foreclosure epidemic, or curbing the hyper-incarceration of black and brown youth. The myth of course, is that President Barack Obama really does want to do all these things and more, but if they haven't