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Monday, April 4, 2011

Robert Reich (Why We Must Raise Taxes on the Rich)

Robert Reich (Why We Must Raise Taxes on the Rich)

Why We Must Raise Taxes on the Rich

It’s tax time. It’s also a time when right-wing Republicans are setting the agenda for massive spending cuts that will hurt most Americans.

Here’s the truth: The only way America can reduce the long-term budget deficit, maintain vital services, protect Social Security and Medicare, invest more in education and infrastructure, and not raise taxes on the working middle class is by raising taxes on the super rich.

Even if we got rid of corporate welfare subsidies for big oil, big agriculture, and big Pharma – even if we cut back on our bloated defense budget – it wouldn’t be nearly enough.

The vast majority of Americans can’t afford to pay more. Despite an economy that’s twice as large as it was thirty years ago, the bottom 90 percent are still stuck in the mud. If they’re employed they’re earningon average only about $280 more a year than thirty years ago, adjusted for inflation. That’s less than a 1 percent gain over