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Monday, April 4, 2011

Democurmudgeon: Charter Schools Demanding Higher Tuitions, and Getting Them. Taxpayers Soon to Realize They’ve been Taken.

Democurmudgeon: Charter Schools Demanding Higher Tuitions, and Getting Them. Taxpayers Soon to Realize They’ve been Taken.

Charter Schools Demanding Higher Tuitions, and Getting Them. Taxpayers Soon to Realize They’ve been Taken.

Both voucher and charter schools are demanding higher student fees from state taxpayers, behind the scenes, but no one is hearing about it. They’re complaining they can’t make the kind of improvements they would like, because they can’t compete with public educations per student rate. It’s another excuse, and portends higher taxpayer contributions to private industry.

As proof, there’s already a large charter chain raking it in. And this is only the beginning:
NY Times: KIPP charter schools receive more money than traditional schools and have a high number of African-American male students leave before reaching high school, according to a new study by Western Michigan University researchers.
Those factors led the researchers to question the success of