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Monday, April 4, 2011

False Flag Candidate – Obama in 2012 |

False Flag Candidate – Obama in 2012 |

False Flag Candidate – Obama in 2012

lucywhitedotcom False Flag Candidate   Obama in 2012
By Numerian

This is a political crime of deception, an enormous bait and switch, in which liberals and quite a few independents were misled by a serial liar who purposely characterized himself as a reformer…

Did you receive your email from Barack Obama yet? If you are a Democrat, or on his campaign mailing list, the president has promised you are going to be the first to know when he formally launches his reelection campaign. It could be any moment now; apparently the White House is waiting for a slow news day when Libya and Fukushima and Congressional budget negotiations aren’t dominating the media agenda. Once the news is out, you are expected as a loyal Obama supporter to start sending in campaign donations and begin attending campaign organization