NBC Bay Area News (channel 3) covered the "Let Us Vote!" campaign as we hit our first milestone: 10,000 letters to California legislators. Also featured on their news website. February 20, 2011
Skeptical that we can make change?Well, how about if every grassroots parent group, school PTA and PTO, and non-profit with a focus on education from one end of the state to the other joined together in a loose-knit network and took action as one? Then Sacramento would have to listen right? There would be too many of us and we'd be too loud to ignore. This is Educate Our State, a campaign of like-minded people who believe in Public Education and are willing to fight for it.Don't believe it's possible? Just watch us. We're parents fighting for our kids' futures. Come join us, as we raise the volume on the issue and force the political will for change.Still don't believe it's possible? Watch the video clip below. ___________________________________ The Problem: We are Failing Our ChildrenWe are failing our children in California and in doing so jeopardizing our nation and our future public welfare. We educate more than 1 in 8 children in the nation, 6.3 million children, and yet:
By almost every measure, California is failing our students. We are creating a far-reaching social problem with implications in all areas of our community, state and nation including economic decline, increased joblessness, and higher crime rates.The Solution: Parents Need to Stand Up and Demand ChangeThis is more than an education issue. It is a civil rights issue. We need California to provide its children with high-quality and appropriately-funded public education.___________________________________We are building our network of like-minded parents, non-profits and organizations. Let us know if we can add you to our list.California State PTA, www.capta.orgGreat Oakland Public Schools, www.gopublicschools.orgFamilies In Schools, www.familiesinschools.org Invest in PUSD Kids (Pasadena Unified School District)www.InvestInPUSDkids.org Bay Area Council, www.bayareacouncil.org PICO, www.piconetwork.org Educacy, www.educacy.org SFOP, www.sfop.orgParents for Great Education, www.parentsforgreateducation.org Parents for Public Schools, San Francisco, www.ppssf.orgCAUSE (California Advocates United Saving California),www.cause4education.orgSaving California Communities, www.savingca.orgSay No To Cuts (Wonderland PTA), www.saynotocuts.comCampaign for Quality Eudcation, www.quality-education.orgPublic Advocates, www.publicadvocates.orgChildren Now, www.childrennow.orgCitizen Hope, www.citizenhope.orgSupport California Kids, www.supportcakids.comWe're adding more friends everyday. Check back soon. |
New Parent Group for Seattle Option Schools
A group of Option School parents have formed a new group, the Seattle
Student Options Coalition. The group also encourages teachers and
interested commun...
45 minutes ago