The Bizarre Hypocrisy of NCTQ
NCTQ fashions itself as a leading think tank on promoting teacher quality in K-12 education. NCTQ adopts a relatively extreme position that teacher quality is it! Teacher quality is THE determining factor of school quality.
I am of the belief that teacher quality is very important. I also agree with NCTQ on the point that content knowledge, at the middle and secondary levels especially, are particularly important and that simply being listed as “qualified” to teach specific content is no guarantee.
So, as part of their effort to improve teacher quality, NCTQ has been going around doing “studies” and applying ratings to the quality of teacher preparation institutions. Now, I noted on my previous post that NCTQ and others may actually be missing the boat on who is actually preparing teachers. But lets set that aside for a moment. One would think that if NCTQ is so interested in teacher quality as the primary determinant, and teacher