Pols like City Councilman Charles Barron say they'll sue if Bloomberg pushes ahead with Cathie Black
Sunday, November 28th 2010, 4:00 AM
A day after Mayor Bloomberg made a deal to salvage his pick for schools chancellor, elected officials were threatening legal action to stop it.
The carefully orchestrated compromise to appoint a second-in-command with education experience alongside chancellor candidate and media execCathie Black hasn't silenced her fiercest critics.
City Councilman Charles Barron (D-Brooklyn), who protested with parents and other lawmakers in Brownsville, vowed to file for a restraining order to block Black's appointment.
"We question the legality of her riding on someone else's credentials," said Barron, likening the decision to allowing someone to drive a car without a license if the passenger has one.
Experts said legal action might have to wait until state Education Department
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/education/2010/11/28/2010-11-28_ya_cant_do_this__well_sue_cry_pols.html#ixzz16aNDSO83