Ethnic imbalances persist in gifted programs

Second-graders at Polaris at Ebert practice drawing bones in an art lesson inspired by Georgia O'Keefe.
Georgia O’Keefe’s paintings of animal skulls flash on an overhead projector at Polaris at Ebert, the only stand-alone magnet school for gifted students in the Denver Public Schools.
Second-graders study the pictures and the curved antlers on tables in front of them and sketch their own O’Keefe-inspired masterpieces as sunlight pours through windows with views to downtown skyscrapers.
Applications surge for DPS’ highly gifted program
Applications for Denver Public Schools’ Highly Gifted and Talented magnet program have surged, doubling the last two years over previous years.
In 2008-09 and 2009-10, DPS officials received between 1,600 and 1,700 applications for the program that enables qualified students to attend schools with special programs for gifted students.
In the years prior to 2008, DPS received about 800 applicants each year.